This is the true story of a valiant hero, who sallied forth to do battle with GNU/Debian Linux on an IBM Thinkpad A31p. Please note that this is really nothing but an amusing story for your entertainment. Nothing else. Particularly, it is not to be mistaken for a manual or somesuch giving you instructions on how to install linux on your laptop. To put it in different words: Don't even think about blaming me for your very own actions. Think before you type.
As of 2007, these pages are more than just a little bit out of date.
Furthermore, my A31p has already given up its ghost, more precisely, the
lamp of the TFT went to the eternal pastures. Therefore I have replaced the
machine with a T60p. Maybe one day I will find the time to write the saga
about installing Debian on this machine. Maybe not.
Last and Final Update: 1 January 2004
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Model Number: | 2653R6G | |
Part Number: | TV2R6UK | |
BIOS Version: | 1.01a (1NET07WW) | |
Processor: | Mobile Intel Pentium 4 with 2GHz | |
RAM: | 2 x 256MB PC2100 DDR SDRAM with 400MHz (in 2 SODIMM Sockets) | |
Display: | 15'' UXGA IPS TFT (FlexView) with 1600x1200 pixels | |
Video Chipset: | ATI Mobility FireGL 7800 with 64MB DDR RAM and 4xAGP bus — ATI Radeon Mobility M6 compatible | |
Audio Chipset: | Intel 82801CAM (ICH3-M) with AC'97 codec — i801 compatible | |
IDE Controller: | Intel 82801CAM (ICH3-M) — PIIXn compatible | |
Harddisk: | IBM Travelstar 60GH ATA-5 with 60.01GB capacity | |
CD-RW/DVD-ROM: | Matsushita UJDA 730 ATAPI DVD/CD-RW | |
USB Controller: | 3 x Intel 82801CAM (ICH3-M) — UHCI compatible | |
IEEE1394 Firewire Controller: | unknown device 1180:0552 (Ricoh Co Ltd) (rev 0) — OHCI-1394 compatible | |
CardBus Controller: | Ricoh RL5c476 II (rev 168) | |
Modem: | Intel 82801CAM with AC'97 codec — Linmodem incompatible | |
Ethernet Controller: | 82801CAM (ICH-3) (rev66) — EtherExpressPro/100 compatible | |
802.11b Wireless Controller: | Actiontec 802MIP — Intersil (Harris Semiconductor) PRISM2 compatible | |
Bluetooth Controller: | via Intel 82801CAM (ICH3-M) USB controllers | |
Modem: | 3Com 3CCM156 Modem PC-Card | |
Ethernet: | 3Com 3CCE589EC Ethernet PC-Card | |
WLAN: | US Robotics 22Mbps Wireless Cable/DSL Router USR-8022 (dead after 54 weeks) | |
US Robotics Wireless Turbo Access Point & Router USR-8054 | ||
US Robotics Wireless Access 11Mbps PC Card USR-2410 | ||
SCSI: | Adaptec APA1480A SCSI CardBus-Card; Nikon Filmscanner LS-2000 | |
IEEE 1394 (FireWire): | LaCie d2 120GB Hard Disk | |
USB: | a pack of mice |
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I am currently working at the Astronomische Rechen-Institut of Heidelberg University as a scientific software developer and local Linux systems administrator for the Data Processing and Analysis Consortium of the GAIA satellite by the European Space Agency (ESA). Visit my Homepage for more information.
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