Installation of the Debian Base System

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Partitioning the Hard Disk

One of the biggest questions while installing Linux is: How should we partion our hard disk? One one hand, the more separate (read-only) partitions we have, the better we can protect the system. On the other hand, more separate partitions mean that we have to estimate our needs beforehand, i.e. now. Making use of Logical Volume Management simplifies matters greatly, since LVM allows us to resize partitions later.

Based on years of experience, wild guesses, trial and error we decide on the following approximate sizes for the primary partitions.

Planned partition layout:

Partition:      Purpose:      Intended:      Actual:    Type:
/dev/hda1       /boot               8MB      15.49MB    83  Linux
/dev/hda2       swap              512MB     541.91MB    82  Linux Swap
/dev/hda3       hibernation       590MB     619.32MB    A0  IBM Thinkpad Hibernation
/dev/hda4       extended         rest                   05  Extended
/dev/hda5       /                  64MB      69.68MB    83  Linux
/dev/hda6       LVM              rest     58765.28MB    8e  Linux LVM

Planned volume layout:

Volume:         Purpose:          Size:
/dev/disk/usr   /usr             3072MB
/dev/disk/tmp   /tmp              128MB
/dev/disk/var   /var             1024MB
/dev/disk/cdr   /cdr             1400MB
/dev/disk/home  /home           10240MB

Note: The hibernation partition must be a primary partition. Furthermore, making the root partition part of LVM can be dangerous. Also note: Although we ask fdisk for the intended sizes, the actual sizes are slightly larger due to geometric constraints of the drive. Lastly note: It may be a good idea to reserve a large enough partition for the preparation of CD-R images.

To create the hibernation partition, we need to run phdisk.exe from a DOS partition. To this end, we boot into FreeDOS and use fdisk to create the two DOS partitions c: (/dev/hda1) and d: (/dev/hda2) and then format c: and format d:

First preliminary partition layout:

Partition:      Purpose:      Intended:      Actual:    Type:
/dev/hda1       DOS                 8MB      15.49MB    06  FAT12
/dev/hda2       DOS               512MB     541.91MB    06  FAT16  

Now we boot the Debian installation system with the bf24 kernel by pressing <F3> at the boot prompt and then follow instuctions to add a preliminary linux partition and install a base system.

Second preliminary partition layout:

Partition:      Purpose:      Intended:      Actual:    Type:
/dev/hda1       DOS                 8MB      15.49MB    06  FAT12
/dev/hda2       DOS               512MB     541.91MB    06  FAT16  
/dev/hda3       preliminary       any          any      83  Linux

Then we boot into this preliminary system and go through the absolute minimum of configuration and make sure that the scp package is installed. Unfortunately, this leaves us without network configuration. We have to do this by hand.

First we have to edit the file /etc/network/interfaces to configure the ethernet device eth0. We have the static IP address and our gateway is


auto lo eth0
iface lo inet loopback

iface eth0 inet static

Now we can start the network by loading the kernel module for the ethernet card and starting the interface.

Manual start of the network:

#> modprobe eepro100
#> ifup eth0

Then we mount the first DOS partition c: (/dev/hda1) and download the archive of the hibernation tools from the machine, where we have stored them.

Downloading the prepared hibernation tools:

#> mount /dev/hda1 /mnt
#> cd /mnt
#> scp "user@ip-nr-of-machine:ibm/*" .

Note: We actually have to use the IP number as we have not configured the resolver for machine names.

Now we reboot into FreeDOS and use fdisk to remove the preliminary linux partition /dev/hda3. Reboot into FreeDOS. At last we are ready to launch phdisk.exe and create the hibernation partition.

Having sucessfully created our hibernation partition, we reboot anew into the Debian installation system and continue partitioning the hard disk. The current partition layout is:

Third preliminary partition layout:

Partition:      Purpose:      Intended:      Actual:    Type:
/dev/hda1       DOS                 8MB      15.49MB     06  FAT12
/dev/hda2       DOS               512MB     541.91MB     06  FAT16  
/dev/hda4       hibernation       577MB     619.32MB     A0  IBM Thinkpad Hibernation

We use fdisk and repartition into:

Fourth preliminary partition layout:

Partition:      Purpose:      Intended:      Actual:    Type:
/dev/hda1       /boot               8MB      15.49MB     83  Linux
/dev/hda2       preliminary       512MB     541.91MB     83  Linux
/dev/hda3       hibernation       577MB     619.32MB     A0  IBM Thinkpad Hibernation
/dev/hda4       extended         rest                    05  Extended
/dev/hda5       /                  64MB      69.68MB     83  Linux
/dev/hda6       LVM              rest     58765.28MB     8e  Linux LVM

Note: To move the hibernation partition, we use the “extra functionality (experts only)” mode of fdisk and then “fix partition order” — preferably before we create any other partition.

We create the filesystems by hand, since we don't need no reserved blocks for /boot and the root filesystem /.

Manual creation of the filesystems:

#> mke2fs -m 0 /dev/hda1
#> mke2fs /dev/hda2
#> mke2fs -m 0 /dev/hda5

Now we have another problem. We should now define the LVM volume group and create the physical/logical volumes for /usr, /var, /tmp and /home. Unfortunately however, the Debian installation system does not support LVM. For this reason, we use the intended swap partition /dev/hda2 to install a preliminary Debian system without swap partition. As soon as possible, we will compile our custom kernel, setup LVM and then proceed rearranging things into their final layout.

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Installation of the Preliminary System

After having partitioned the hard disk and having formatted the partitions, we install a preliminary kernel as well as the base system and reboot, we make use of the good old tasksel and dselect install the following tasks and packages,

Debian tasks and packages for the preliminary system:

Task Development C


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Configuration of the Keyboard

We want put the <Control> in the Right Place™ where God has intended it to be, namely left to the <A> key. The old <Control> should take over as <Compose>. We don't need no <CapsLock>. To achieve this, we copy all the relevant kernel keymaps into /etc/console and modify them accordingly.

Copying the necessary files for the new keyboard layout:

#> cd /etc/console
#> cp /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/uk.kmap.gz .
#> cp /usr/share/keymaps/i386/include/ .
#> cp /usr/share/keymaps/i386/include/ .
#> cp /usr/share/keymaps/i386/include/ .
#> cp /usr/share/keymaps/i386/include/ .
#> mv uk.kmap.gz uk-mod.kmap.gz
#> gunzip uk-mod.kmap.gz

Then we modify uk-mod.kmap and set:

Modification of /etc/console/uk-mod.kmap:

keycode 29 = Compose
keycode 58 = Control

Finally we gzip things together again, update the symlink and load the new keymap:

Installing the new keyboard layout:

#> gzip uk-mod.kmap.gz
#> mv boottime.kmap.gz boottime.kmap.gz.ORI
#> ln -s uk-mod.kmap.gz boottime.kmap.gz
#> loadkeys boottime.kmap.gz

Note: We actually have to copy the included maps from /usr/share/keymaps/i386/include since the /usr partition is not yet mounted when the keymaps are loaded at boot time.

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Configuration of LILO

We don't want those stupid symlinks /vmlinuz (and later /vmlinuz.old) cluttering our root directory. We remove them and install similar links in /boot. While updating /etc/lilo.conf we activate the compact option to speed up the loading of the kernel image.

Crating new symbolic links for the kernel images:

#> rm /vmlinuz*
#> cd /boot
#> ln -s vmlinuz-2.4.18-bf2.4 vmlinuz.old

Modifications in /etc/lilo.conf:




Now we inform Debian about our changes and create a file describing the kernel image configuration in /etc/kernel-img.conf:


image_in_boot = yes
do_bootfloppy = no

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Configuration of LVM

We then proceed to configure and build our own custom kernel using make menuconfig and make-kpkg. Almost any kernel configuration will do as long LVM is supported.

Kernel Config for LVM support:

—— Multi-Device Support (RAID and LVM) —— 
         yes   Multiple devices driver support (RAID and LVM)
         yes   Logical volume manager (LVM) support

Compiling and installing the new kernel:

#> cd /usr/src
#> tar xjf kernel-source-2.4.18.tar.bz2
#> cd kernel-source-2.4.18
#> make menuconfig
#> make-kpkg clean
#> make-kpkg -rev Custom.1 kernel_image
#> cd ..
#> dpkg -i kernel-image_2.4.18

When the new kernel has been installed and lilo been updated sucessfully, we reboot.

Now we are ready to create the physical volume on /dev/hda6, add it to our volume group /dev/disk, create our logical volumes /dev/disk/usr, /dev/disk/tmp, /dev/disk/var and /dev/disk/home and the filesystems in them.

Creating the physical and logical volumes and filesystems:

#> pvcreate /dev/hda6
#> vgcreate disk /dev/hda6
#> lvcreate -L 3072M -n usr disk
#> lvcreate -L 128M -n tmp disk
#> lvcreate -L 1024M -n var disk
#> lvcreate -L 1536M -n cdr disk
#> lvcreate -L 10G -n home disk
#> mke2fs -j -m 0 /dev/disk/usr
#> mke2fs /dev/disk/tmp
#> mke2fs -j /dev/disk/var
#> mke2fs -j -m 0 /dev/disk/cdr
#> mke2fs -j /dev/disk/home

Now we mount these new partitions consecutively to /mnt and transfer the contents of the respective directories currently residing on /dev/hda2.

Relocating the directory structure to the new filesystems:

#> mount /dev/disk/var /mnt
#> cd /var; tar cf - . | (cd /mnt; tar xf -)
#> umount /mnt
#> mount /dev/disk/usr /mnt
#> cd /usr; tar cf - . | (cd /mnt; tar xf -)
#> umount /mnt
#> mount /dev/hda5 /mnt
#> mkdir /mnt/dev /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdr /mnt/usr /mnt/var /mnt/tmp /mnt/home /mnt/proc
#> mkdir -p /mnt/mnt/cdrom
#> chmod 1777 /mnt/tmp /mnt/cdr
#> cd /; tar cf - bin boot dev etc lib opt root sbin | (cd /mnt; tar xf -)

Note: Creating the new device directory /dev manually before any other directory might save the day, when some idiot goes for rm -rf * in the root directory. As rm descends the directory tree not alphabetically but in order of creation, /dev will be first to go. But if /dev/hda is gone, rm can't access the disk any more.

After this step, we update the filesystem layout in /mnt/etc/fstab.


/dev/hda1      /boot       ext2     defaults,ro                           0 2
/dev/hda5      /           ext2     defaults,errors=remount-ro            0 1
/dev/disk/usr  /usr        ext3     defaults,ro                           0 2
/dev/disk/var  /var        ext3     defaults,errors=remount-ro            0 2
/dev/disk/tmp  /tmp        ext2     defaults,errors=remount-ro            0 2
/dev/disk/cdr  /cdr        ext3     defaults,errors=remount-ro            0 2
/dev/disk/home /home       ext3     defaults,errors=remount-ro            0 2
/dev/hdc       /mnt/cdrom  iso9660  user,ro,nosuid,nodev,exec,noauto      0 0
/dev/hdc       /cdrom      iso9660  defaults                              0 0
proc           /proc       proc     defaults                              0 0
none           /dev/pts    devpts   gid=5,mode=620                        0 0

Finally we need to update the root device in /mnt/etc/lilo.conf to /dev/hda5, set the new symlinks for the kernel images and rerun lilo.

Update of the root device in /etc/lilo.conf:

# /etc/lilo.conf


Installing the new LILO boot loader:

#> cd /mnt
#> vi etc/lilo.conf
#> cd boot
#> ln -sf vmlinuz-2.4.18 vmlinuz
#> ln -sf vmlinuz-2.4.18-bf2.4 vmlinuz.old
#> chroot /mnt lilo

After rebooting to switch to the new hard-disk layout we can finally use fdisk to remove our preliminary linux partition /dev/hda2 and replace it with a swap partition. And again we have to reboot to switch to the new hard-disk layout. At last we can activate the swap partition and add it to /etc/fstab.


/dev/hda1      /boot       ext2     defaults,ro                           0 2
/dev/hda2      none        swap     sw                                    0 0
/dev/hda5      /           ext2     defaults,errors=remount-ro            0 1
/dev/disk/usr  /usr        ext3     defaults,ro                           0 2
/dev/disk/var  /var        ext3     defaults,errors=remount-ro            0 2
/dev/disk/tmp  /tmp        ext2     defaults,errors=remount-ro            0 2
/dev/disk/cdr  /cdr        ext3     defaults,errors=remount-ro            0 2
/dev/disk/home /home       ext3     defaults,errors=remount-ro            0 2
/dev/hdc       /mnt/cdrom  iso9660  user,ro,nosuid,nodev,exec,noauto      0 0
/dev/hdc       /cdrom      iso9660  defaults                              0 0
proc           /proc       proc     defaults                              0 0
none           /dev/pts    devpts   gid=5,mode=620                        0 0

Creating and activating the swap partition:

#> mkswap /dev/hda2
#> swapon -a

Note: We dont like to have our mount points in the root directory, we want them in /mnt. Unfortunately, Debian insists on /cdrom as the mount point for the installation. We will remove /cdrom and the respective entry in /etc/fstab when we reconfigure apt for network installs and updates.

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