Home>WiSe 2024/25

Gravitational Lensing at ARI

Eine Übersicht aller Seminare zum Gravitationslinseneffekt am ARI.

Overview of all lensing related seminars at ARI.

  • Gravitational Lensing Seminar: Tuesday 1:30pm
    Contact: R. Schmidt

    • 29.10. Marlen Neubert (KIT): Machine Learning for Molecular Simulations
    • 05.11. Group update
    • 12.11. Robert Schmidt: Some aspects of quasar microlensing magnification statistics and the virtual observatory
    • 19.11. Markus Hundertmark: Highlights from the TOM meeting in Crete
    • 26.11. Zofia Kaczmarek: On Finding Black Holes in Photometric Microlensing Surveys (paper)
    • 03.12. Nikos Gianniotis (HITS): Probabilistic Cross Correlation for Delay Estimation in AGNi (paper)
    • 10.12. Christian Sorgenfrei: Microlensing in HE0435-1223
    • 07.01. Yiannis Tsapras
    • 14.01. Joachim Wambsganss
    • 21.01. TBA
    • 28.01. TBA
    • 04.02. Kunal Bhatia
  • Journal club: Tuesdays 3:00pm
    Discussing arxiv and the latest from the world of gravitational lensing.
    Contact: R. Schmidt

  • LCO seminar: Thursdays 6pm
    Discussing LCO news and developments.
    Contact: J. Wambsganß