Dynamics of galaxies, star clusters and planetary systems (MVSem)
Lecturers: Andreas Just, Rainer Spurzem
Summer term 2016 (2 SWS)
Wednesday 14:15 - 16:00, ARI seminarroom
This 'Masterpflichtseminar' is addressed specifically to master students, who
intend to obtain the mantadory 'MVSem'' certificate required for
master studies. It is organised as a journal club, where every
topic usually consists of a seminar talk by the student presenting
one or more recent research papers. An additional written report of the presentation is required.
Please register here for participationTime Plan
A presentation of possible topics, the choice of topics and time plan will be done in the first and second session (in brackets you find the available supervisors for each date). A list of topics as suggested by the lecturers can be found here. More and other suggestions are always welcome.
- 20.4. (AJ,RS) Planning Session 1
- 27.4. (AJ,RS) Planning Session 2
- 4.5. (AJ,RS) --
- 11.5. (AJ)
- 18.5. (AJ)
- 25.5. (AJ)
- 1.6. (RS) Gargi Maheshwari: S1. Binary Black Holes in Dense Star Clusters: Exploring the Theoretical Uncertainties
- 8.6. (RS) Taras Panamarev: S5: The state of globular clusters at birth - II. Primordial binaries
- 15.6. (RS) Fabian Klein: S2: The dynamical evolution of accreted star clusters in the Milky Way
- 22.6. (AJ) Albrecht Kamlah: J7. The Milky Way's rotation curve out to 100 kpc and its constraint on the Galactic mass distribution
- 29.6. (AJ,RS) Ioanna Koutsouridou: J6. A fully cosmological model of a Monoceros-like ring
- 6.7. (AJ,RS) Kseniia Sysoliatina: J1+J5. Thick discs - formation and kinematics
- 13.7. --
- 20.7. (AJ,RS) Mukhagali Kalambay: S8: The dynamical fate of planetary systems in young star clusters
- 27.7. -- (MSc exam week)
(Responsible for contents: Andreas Just)
Contact: A. Just