Lecture: Introduction to Astronomy (MVAstro0); WS 2013/14
The lecture is equivalent to the bachelor module parts WPAstro.1+2 during the winter and summer term but requires a higher level of basic physical knowledge.
Priv. Doz. Dr. Stefan Jordan, Prof. Dr. Andreas Just
Type: Lecture Univ. of Heidelberg, Block CourseTime: 23.9. - 11.10.2013 daily 10-13
Location: ARI SR (seminar room on the first floor at ARI)
23.09. Introduction/Fundamentals of Astronomy: Jordan24.09. Fundamentals 2: Jordan
25.09. Sun and Planetary System 1: Jordan
26.09. Sun an Planetary System 2: Jordan
27.09. Telescopes and Instruments: Jordan
30.09. Radiation and stars: Jordan
1.10. Stellar evolution: Jordan
2.10. Milky Way 1: Just
4.10. Milky Way 2: Just
7.10. Normal galaxies: Just
8.10. Stellardynamics, Galaxy distribution: Just
9.10. Active galaxies and global evolution: Just
10.10. Cosmology: Just
11.10. Big Bang and world models: Just
Registration and Material
Please find slides and other material (password restricted) and the registration for the exercises here (Bachelor and master students, who want to get CPs, need to register)Exercises to Introduction to Astronomy
Time: on selected days in the afternoon at 15:00-16.30Location: ARI SR
-> Rules for certificates (CPs)(Responsible for contents: Andreas Just)
Contact: A. Just