Galaxy Evolution, Stellar Dynamics, Interstellar Matter (MVSem)
Lecturers: Hans-Peter Gail, Andreas Just, Thorsten Lisker
Winter term 2013/14 (2 SWS)
Friday 14:30 - 16:00, ARI seminarroom
This 'Masterpflichtseminar' is addressed exclusively to master students, who
intend to obtain the mantadory 'MVSem'' certificate required for
master studies. It is organised as a journal club, where every
topic usually consists of a seminar talk by the student presenting
one or more recent research papers. An additional written report of the presentation is required.
Please register here for participation (registration is open until 25th of Oct.)More topics can also be found there soon.
Time Plan
A presentation of possible topics, the choice of topics and time plan will be done in the first session. A preliminary list of topics as suggested by the lecturers can be found there. More and other suggestions are always welcome.2013
- 18.10. Planning Session
- 25.10. --
- 1.11. Public holiday
- 8.11. --
- 15.11. Noel, L3
- 22.11. Hähnel, J1
- 29.11. Samland, J4
- 6.12. Picotti, L2
- 13.12. Hottinger, J3
- 20.12. --
- 10.1. Ojima, G5
- 17.1. Gier, L5
- 24.1. Fischer, G3
- 31.1. --
- 7.2. --
(Responsible for contents: Andreas Just)
Contact: A. Just