Lecture: Introduction to Astronomy (MVAstro0); WS 2022/23
The lecture is equivalent to the bachelor module parts WPAstro.1+2 during the
winter and summer term but requires a higher level of basic physical knowledge.
Nevertheless also motivated 3rd semester BSc students are welcome to participate.
This lecture is organized as a block course with 2 parts in the time Sep. 26th - Oct. 14th, 2022.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Jordan, Prof. Dr. Andreas Just
Lecture Introduction to Astronomy (V, block)
Time: daily 9:30 - 13:00, 26.9. - 14.10. Location: gHS (großer Hörsaal at Phil.12, 1st floor) Attention: In the third week the lecture will take place in the 'Neuer Hörsaal' nHS at the right side behind the main building of Phil. 12 (stairs half-way down to Albert-Ueberle-Str.)
Registration and Material
Attention: It is currently planned to hold lecture and tutorials in person in the lecture halls of the university. Therefore no recording will be done and the course will not be available in an online format. However, due to the uncertain future situation concerning Covid-19, the lecture and exercises may need to be held online on short notice. In order to recieve the login information, it is required to register in advance. If that is not working, please send an email to S. Jordan and inform us, why you cannot register.The number of participants is RESTRICTED! Please register (for the exercises you need to register in one of the exercise groups anyway) here.
Please find slides and other material (password restricted) here.
26.9. Introduction/Fundamentals of Astronomy: Jordan27.9. Fundamentals 2: Jordan
28.9. Sun and Planetary System 1: Jordan
29.9. Sun an Planetary System 2: Jordan
30.9. Telescopes and Instruments: Jordan
4.10. Radiation and stars: Jordan
5.10. Stellar evolution: Jordan
6.10. Milky Way 1: Just
7.10. Milky Way 2: Just
10.10. Stellardynamics: Just
11.10. Normal galaxies: Just
12.10. Active galaxies, galaxy distribution and global evolution: Just
13.10. Cosmology: Just
14.10. Big Bang and world models: Just
Written exam: Fri, 21. Oct. 2022, 14:00 - 16:00, nHS (Neuer Hörsaal, Philosophenweg)
Exercises to Introduction to Astronomy
Time: daily 14:30 - 17:30, split in an early and a late group, 26.9. - 14.10.Location: kHS (kleiner Hörsaal, Phil. 12, 2nd floor)
Exercises will be not every day (see Übungsgruppensystem).
The time slots may be shifted to earlier times (e.g. starting at 14:00) dependent on the requirements of the participants.
-> Rules for certificates (CPs)Astro. lab course in WS22/23
The next astrolab course for completing the Bachelor module WPAstro will take place on 27.2. - 10.3.23 (you may choose one of the 2 weeks). Please register as soon as possible at the registration page.(Responsible for contents: Andreas Just)
Contact: A. Just