Final program for the Basel / Heidelberg workshop on the "Structure and Evolution of the Milky Way and Its Surroundings" at Ringberg Castle, December 5 - 9, 2004 =========================================================================== Sunday, December 5, 2004 16:00 Arrival at Ringberg 18:30 Reception Transport to the downtown hotels (between 20:00 and 22:00 hours) =========================================================================== Monday, December 6, 2004 08:00 Breakfast (at Ringberg or in the downtown hotels) Transport from the hotels to Ringberg at 8:30 I. Milky Way properties and models Chair: Moore 09:00 Grebel Welcome 10 09:10 Samland Chemo-dynamical evolution of the Milky Way 30 09:40 Robin Galaxy modeling tool for large scale survey analysis 30 10:10 Englmaier Gas dynamics in the Milky Way 20 10:30 Coffee break/posters ---------------------------------------- 30 Chair: Bienayme 11:00 Gerhard Structure and mass distribution in the Milky Way 30 II. The Inner Milky Way 11:30 Zoccali Age and metallicity distribution of the Galactic bulge 30 14:00 Churchwell A GLIMPSE of the Inner Milky Way from Spitzer 30 12:30 Lunch ------------------------------------------------------ 90 III. The Thick and Thin Galactic Disk Chair: T. Brown 14:00 Nordstroem Results from the Geneva-Kopenhagen Survey 30 14:30 Feltzing Chemical Properties of the Thick and Thin Disk 30 15:00 Bienayme Kinematics and Mass Density of the Galactic Disk 30 15:30 Coffee break/posters ---------------------------------------- 30 Chair: Helmi 16:00 Ammon A theoretical stellar census of our Galaxy 20 IV. From the Galactic Disk to Streams 16:20 Rocha-Pinto A survey of distant 2MASS M giants overdensities 30 16:50 Gilmore Minor mergers and moving groups 30 17:20 d'Souza Dynamical Modelling of Star Clusters from Proper Motions 20 17:40 Hoermann Guided tour through the castle 18:10 End of Day I 18:30 Dinner ---------------------------------------------------- Transport back to the hotels between 20:00 and 22:00 o'clock. ============================================================================= Tuesday, December 7, 2004 08:00 Breakfast (at Ringberg or in the downtown hotels) Transport from the hotels to Ringberg at 8:30 a.m. IV. Surveys of the Galactic halo and accretion (I) Chair: Feltzing 09:00 Newberg Galactic Structure With the SDSS 30 09:30 Rockosi SEGUE - Current Results and Plans 30 10:00 Vivas The Galactic Halo as Seen by the QUEST Survey 25 10:25 Grebel RAVE - The RAdial Velocity Experiment 15 10:40 Coffee break/posters ---------------------------------------- 25 V. Surveys of the Galactic halo and accretion (II) Chair: Nordstroem 11:05 W. Brown The Century Survey Galactic Halo Project 25 11:30 Martinez-Delgado Tracing tidal streams in the Galactic halo with color-magnitude diagrams 20 11:50 Kayser w Centauri - an accreted dwarf galaxy? 20 12:10 Harbeck/Gallagher Carbon Stars in M31's companions: evolutionary implications 20 12:30 Lunch ----------------------------------------------------- 80 VI. Major events: Sagittarius and Monoceros/Canis Major Chair: Cole 14:00 Majewski Sagittarius 30 14:30 Bellazzini The Star Formation History of Sagittarius 30 15:00 Martin Evidence of an accreted dwarf galaxy in Canis Major 20 15:20 Penarrubia A model of the Monoceros stream 20 15:40 Coffee break/posters ---------------------------------------- 30 VII. Canis Major and constraints on the Galactic halo Chair: Newberg 16:10 Momany CMa as part of the thick disk: photometry 20 16:30 Zaggia CMa as part of the thick disk: spectroscopy 20 16:50 Helmi Constraints on the Galactic halo shape from debris streams 20 17:10 Gomez-Flechoso Halo shape 20 17:30 Boily DEBATE: The nature of CMa and the shape of the Galactic halo 30 18:00 End of Day II 18:30 Dinner ---------------------------------------------------- Transport back to the hotels between 20:00 and 22:00 ============================================================================= Wednesday, December 8, 2004 08:00 Breakfast (at Ringberg or in the downtown hotels) Transport from the hotels to Ringberg at 8:30 a.m. VIII. The Magellanic Clouds and the Milky Way Chair: Rockosi 09:00 Sembach The Highly Ionized High Velocity Cloud System Around the Milky Way 30 09:30 Harris The recent star formation histories of the Magellanic Clouds 20 09:50 Cole The age-metallicity relation of the LMC 30 10:20 Mastropietro The formation of the Magellanic Stream 20 10:40 Coffee break/posters ---------------------------------------- 30 IX. The Magellanic Clouds and the Milky Way As an Interacting System Chair: Bellazzini 11:10 Putman The gaseous trails of interactions 30 11:40 Thilker The HI distribution in and around M31 and M33 30 12:10 Gallagher DISCUSSION: The Magellanic Clouds and the Milky Way as an interacting system 30 12:40 Lunch ----------------------------------------------------- 90 X. Satellites and cosmology Chair: Martinez-Delgado 14:00 Boily The thin plane of galactic satellites 20 14:20 Koch Great circles in the distribution of M31 satellites 20 14:40 Moore The current status of the missing satellite problem and its implications for cosmological models 30 15:10 Zucker The faintest dwarf spheroidal galaxies 20 15:30 Coffee break/posters ---------------------------------------- 30 XI. Nature of dwarf spheroidal galaxies Chair: Putman 16:00 Grebel Constraints on accretion events from dSph properties 20 16:20 Piatek The orbits of Galactic dSphs determined from their proper motions 20 16:40 Kleyna Dark Matter in Dwarf Spheroidals: Observations 20 17:00 Wilkinson Dark Matter in Dwarf Spheroidals: Models 20 17:20 Read Mass Loss from Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies 20 17:40 Moore DISCUSSION 30 18:10 End 18:30 Dinner ---------------------------------------------------- Transport back to the hotels between 20:00 and 22:00 o'clock ============================================================================= Thursday, December 9, 2004 08:00 Breakfast (at Ringberg or in the downtown hotels) Participants staying at Ringberg: Please vacate your rooms before 11 a.m. Transport from the hotels to Ringberg at 9:00 a.m. XII. The M31 system Chair: Churchwell 09:40 Brown Star Formation Histories in Andromeda 30 10:10 Williams The Recent Star Formation History of the M31 Disk 20 10:30 Coffee break/posters/please clear your rooms ---------------- 30 XIII. Outlook Chair: Grebel 11:00 Freeman Biased summary and future directions 30 11:30 Pick-up of bagged lunches and departure from Ringberg ** Note: This is a major change from the previous program! As we learned recently, we will need to depart much earlier than previously planned ** ============================================================================ Posters: G. Battaglia: The radial velocity dispersion profile of the Galactic halo: Constraining the density profile of the dark halo of the Milky Way A. Villalobos: Formation of thick disks in galaxies D. Butler: On the stellar populations and the nuclear star cluster in NGC 205 R. Munoz: Exploring the Extended Structure of the Carina dSph: Evidence for Tidal Disruption? K. Vivas: A Search for RR Lyrae Stars in Canis Major: Preliminary Results ============================================================================ A note on transport between the hotels and Ringberg: According to the current status, there will be two taxis (one for six persons, one for eight persons). In the morning, these will leave from the hotels to Ringberg at 8:30. In the evening, those staying in the hotels are requested to arrange among themselves at which time they would like to go down with one of the two taxis. The joint transport down should take place somewhere in the timeslot between 20:00 and 22:00 hours. MPIA will pay for the cost of the joint transport. If you need a taxi at other times you are kindly requested to cover the expenses yourself.