Publication List: Robert W. Schmidt

Refereed Journals

  • Sorgenfrei C., Schmidt R.W., Wambsganss J., 2024, "Improving the light curves of gravitationally lensed quasars with Gaia proper motion data", A&A 683, A119 Link: Journal
  • Schmidt R.W., 2022, "The Improved Calendar of 1700 and the Interplay with Astronomical Data", Studia Leibinitiana Volume 54, p. 96 Link: Journal
  • Giannini E., Schmidt R.W., Wambsganss J., et al., 2017, "MiNDSTEp differential photometry of the gravitationally lensed quasars WFI 2033-4723 and HE 0047-1756: microlensing and a new time delay", A&A 597, A49 Link: Abstract / Journal
  • Mantz A.B., Allen S.W., Morris E.G., Schmidt R.W., von der Linden A., Urban O., 2015, "Cosmology and Astrophysics from Relaxed Galaxy Clusters I: Sample Selection", MNRAS 449,199 Link: Abstract / Journal
  • Köhlinger F., Schmidt R.W., 2014, "Strong lensing in RX J1347.5-1145 revisited", MNRAS 437, 1858, Link: Abstract / Journal
  • Schmidt R.W., 2012, "Galaxy formation: Distant dwarfs", Nature 481, 271, Link: Abstract / Journal
  • Zimmer F., Schmidt R.W., Wambsganss J., 2011, "X-ray microlensing in the quadruply lensed quasar Q2237+0305", MNRAS 413, 1099, Link: Abstract / Journal
  • Anguita T., Schmidt R.W., Turner E.L., Wambsganss J., Webster R.L., Loomis K.A., Long D., McMillan R., 2008, "The multiple quasar Q2237+0305 under a microlensing caustic", A&A, 480, 327, Link: Abstract / E-print / Journal
  • Allen S.W., Rapetti D.A., Schmidt R.W., Ebeling H., Morris G., Fabian A.C., 2008, "Improved constraints on dark energy from Chandra X-ray observations of the largest relaxed galaxy clusters", MNRAS 383, 879 Link: E-print / Abstract / Journal
  • Schmidt R.W., Allen S.W., 2007, "The dark matter halos of massive, relaxed clusters observed with Chandra", MNRAS, 379, 209 Links: Abstract / E-print / Journal
  • Gaynullina E. R., Schmidt R.W., Akhunov T., Burkhonov O., Gottloeber S., Mirtadjieva K., Nuritdinov S.N., Tadjibaev I., Wambsganss J., Wisotzki L., 2005, "Microlensing in the double quasar SBS1520+530", A&A 440, 53, Links: Abstract / E-print / Journal
  • Schmidt R.W., Allen S.W., Fabian A.C., 2004, "An improved approach to measuring H0 using X-ray and SZ observations of galaxy clusters", MNRAS 352, 1413 Links: Abstract / E-print / Journal
  • Allen S.W., Schmidt R.W., Ebeling H., Fabian A.C., van Speybroeck L., 2004,"Constraints on dark energy from Chandra observations of the largest relaxed galaxy clusters", MNRAS 353, 457, Links: Abstract / E-print / Journal
  • Allen S.W., Schmidt R.W., Bridle S.L., 2003, "A preference for a non-zero neutrino mass from cosmological data", MNRAS 346, 593, Links: Abstract / E-print / Journal
  • Allen S.W., Schmidt R.W., Fabian A.C., Ebeling H., 2003, "Cosmological constraints from the local X-ray luminosity function of the most X-ray luminous galaxy clusters", MNRAS 342, 287 Links: Abstract / E-print / Journal
  • Schmidt R.W., Kundic T., Pen U.-L., Turner E.L., Wambsganss J., Bergeron L.E., Colley W.N., Corson C., Hastings N.C., Hoyes T., Long D.C., Loomis K.A., Malhotra S., Rhoads J.E., Stanek K.Z., 2002,"Optical monitoring of the gravitationally lensed quasar Q2237+0305 from APO between June 1995 and January 1998", A&A 392, 773, Links: Abstract / E-print / Journal
  • Allen S.W., Schmidt R.W., Fabian A.C., 2002, "Chandra observations of RXJ1347.5-1145: the distribution of mass in the most X-ray luminous galaxy cluster known", MNRAS 335, 256 Links: Abstract / E-print / Journal
  • Schmidt R.W., Fabian A.C., Sanders J.S., 2002, "Chandra temperature and metallicity maps of the Perseus cluster core", MNRAS, 337, 71, Link: Abstract / E-print / Journal
  • Voigt L.M., Schmidt R.W., Fabian A.C., Allen S.W., Johnstone R.M., 2002, "Conduction and cooling flows", MNRAS 335, L7, Links: E-print / Journal
  • Allen S.W., Schmidt R.W., Fabian A.C., 2002, "Cosmological constraints from the X-ray gas mass fraction in relaxed lensing clusters observed with Chandra", MNRAS 334, L11 Links: Abstract / E-print / Journal
  • Allen S.W., Schmidt R.W., Fabian A.C., 2001, "The X-ray virial relations for relaxed lensing clusters observed with Chandra", MNRAS 328, 37 Links: Abstract / E-print/Journal
  • Schmidt R.W., Allen S.W., Fabian A.C., 2001, "Chandra observations of the galaxy cluster Abell 1835", MNRAS 327, 1057, Links: Abstract / E-print / Journal
  • Wambsganss J., Schmidt R.W., Colley W., Kundic T., Turner E.L., 2000, "Microlensing results from APO monitoring of the double quasar Q0957+561A,B between 1995 and 1998", A&A 362, L37, Links: Abstract/ E-print /Journal
  • Barnes D.G., Webster R.L., Schmidt R.W., Hughes A., 1999, ``Imaging HI in the lensing galaxy 2237+0305'', MNRAS 309, 641, Links: Abstract / Journal
  • Schmidt R., Wambsganss J., 1998, ``Limits on MACHOs from microlensing in the double quasar Q0957+561'', A&A 335, 379, Links: Abstract/ Journal
  • Schmidt R., Webster R.L., Lewis G.F., 1998, ``Weighing a galaxy bar in the lens Q2237+0305'', MNRAS 295, 488, Links: Abstract / Scanned article
  • Drinkwater M.J., Schmidt R.W., 1996, ``The large-scale distribution of radio sources'', Publ. Astron. Soc. Aust. 13, 127, Links: Abstract/ Scanned article
Popular scientific talk (when available)
  • "Mehrfach-Quasare und der Gravitationslinseneffekt" (2022) on youtube (in german) - part of the series "Faszination Astronomie" at Haus der Astronomie (Heidelberg).
Popular scientific articles

Proceedings Contributions

  • Schmidt R.W., 2020, "Two lectures on quasar lensing and microlensing", Proceedings of the Heraeus Summer School in Jena, 2019 (program) Link: HTML / jupyter notebook
  • Schmidt R., Wambsganss J., Kundic T., Pen U.-L., Turner E. L., 1999,"APO Monitoring of Q2237+0305 in 1995-97: Evidence for Microlensing", to appear in "Gravitational Lensing: Recent Progress and Future Goals", Boston University, July 1999, eds. T. G. Brainerd and C. S. Kochanek
  • Wambsganss J., Schmidt R., 1998, ``Microlensing constraints on MACHO masses from the double quasars Q0957+561'', New Astronomy Reviews 42, 101
  • Schmidt R., Wambsganss J., 1998, ``Limits on MACHOs in the lensing galaxy 0957+561'', in V. Müller, S. Gottlöber, J. P. Mücket, eds., ``Large Scale Structure: Tracks and Traces. Proceedings of the 12th Potsdam Cosmology Workshop'', World Scientific Press, Singapore, p. 329
  • Schmidt R., Webster R. L., Lewis G. F., 1998, ``Weighing a galaxy bar in the lens Q2237+0305'', in: A. Olinto, J. Frieman, D. Schramm, eds., ``Eighteenth Texas Symposium on relativistic astrophysics and cosmology: Texas in Chicago'', World Scientific Press, Singapore, p. 523
Press releases on work I took part in Theses
  • PhD thesis (from Uni Potsdam Library Server, March 2000, Universität Potsdam)
  • Master thesis (July 1996, University of Melbourne)