Computational Physics (Summer Semester 2010)


The lectures for the Computational Physics course will be held in INF 227, HS2 on:

The first lecture will be on Wednesday 14th April.

The lecturers will be Dr. Rainer Spurzem and Dr. Cornelis Dullemond.


The tutorials for the Computational Physics course will be in INF 227, CIP-pool 1.401 on:

The first tutorial will be on the Fri/Mon 16th/19th April.

Students should only attend one of these tutorials a week. Distribution among the Friday and Monday groups will be organised in the first lecture.

Class Format

In the tutorials the students will work through the exercises provided, with support provided by at least one tutor. In addition, there may be additional work in the CIP pools and home work. Students are expected to work either individually or in small groups of 2-3.

Class Tutors

The tutors will be Rory Holmes (holmes @ and Chia-Chun Lu ( @ Please feel free to contact them if you have any problems. One tutor will be present per class according to the following timetable:

16/04/10 Rory Holmes Exercise Sheet 1
19/04/10 Rory Holmes Exercise Sheet 1
23/04/10 Chia-Chun Lu Exercise Sheet 2
26/04/10 Chia-Chun Lu Exercise Sheet 2
30/04/10 Rory Holmes Exercise Sheet 3
03/05/10 Rory Holmes Exercise Sheet 3
07/05/10 Chia-Chun Lu Exercise Sheet 4
10/05/10 Chia-Chun Lu Exercise Sheet 4
14/05/10 Rory Holmes Exercise Sheet 5
17/05/10 Rory Holmes Exercise Sheet 5
21/05/10 Chia-Chun Lu Exercise Sheet 6
24/05/10 Chia-Chun Lu Exercise Sheet 6
28/05/10 Rory Holmes Exercise Sheet 7
31/05/10 Rory Holmes Exercise Sheet 7
04/06/10 Chia-Chun Lu Exercise Sheet 8
07/06/10 Chia-Chun Lu Exercise Sheet 8
11/06/10 Rory Holmes Exercise Sheet 9
14/06/10 Rory Holmes Exercise Sheet 9
18/06/10 Chia-Chun Lu Exercise Sheet 10
21/06/10 Chia-Chun Lu Exercise Sheet 10
25/06/10 Rory Holmes Exercise Sheet 11
28/06/10 Rory Holmes Exercise Sheet 11
02/07/10 Chia-Chun Lu Exercise Sheet 12
05/07/10 Chia-Chun Lu Exercise Sheet 12
09/07/10 Rory Holmes Exercise Sheet 13
16/07/10 Chia-Chun Lu Exercise Sheet 13

Exercise Sheets

The exercise sheets will be uploaded to this website before each class. Students should print a copy and bring it to the class.

Students should summarise their answers to the exercises (graphs, values, etc) and email them to the tutor that supervised the class. This LaTeX template can be used to produce a PDF file containing all these items. Students should also email their computer programs to the tutor so they can be checked. One document per group is sufficient, but the names of all group members should be included.

This page was last updated 04/05/2010 20:40:24