University of Heidelberg

Introduction to Computational Physics (UKWR2)

Thema: Solution of physical problems with the computer
Lecture in English Language
Lecturers: Ralf Klessen
ZAH/ITA, Albert-Ueberle-Str. 2, 69120 Heidelberg
Rainer Spurzem
ZAH/ARI, Mönchhofstr. 12-14, 69120 Heidelberg
Time and Place: Wednesday, 9:15 - 10:45 Uhr, INF 227 (KIP), HS 2.
Friday, 11:15 - 12:00 Uhr, INF 227 (KIP), HS 2.
Lecture Plan

Begin: Wednesday April 18, 09:15
Tutorials: Monday, 13:15 - 16:00 Uhr, INF 227, CIP Pool KIP 1.401
Friday, 13:15 - 16:00 Uhr, INF 227, CIP Pool KIP 1.401
Begin of Tutorials: Friday April 20, Monday April 23

The exercise sheets will be uploaded to the pages of our lecture in the elearning system of the university every week , usually until Thursday evening or Friday noon by the latest. Students should summarise their answers to the exercises (graphs, values, text answers, etc) and email them to their tutors. This LaTeX template can be used to produce a PDF file containing all these items. Students should also email their computer source programs to the tutor so they can be checked. One document per group is sufficient, but the names of ALL group members should be included.

Script: Manuscript of this lecture 2008/2009 .
More up-to-date informations and additional reading material will be posted on our page in the E-Learning System of Univ. of Heidelberg (Moodle)
More Info: Quantum States of Neutrons in gravitational field detected in Heidelberg (Press Release Univ. Heidelberg 2002, in German)
Link to Nature Paper (2002) on Quantum States of Neutrons in grav. field (in English)
On the physical background of the Lorenz Attractor (by Andreas Jung, in German ) . (Note: equivalent material in English language will be presented and distributed in the lecture)
Introduction Exercise Sheet
Gnuplot Tutorial - plain text examples
Gnuplot Tutorial - pdf Manual
Gnuplot Test Data for Plotting (Filename myfile.txt)
Mathematica Reference Handbook
Mathematica Handbook (by R. Kühn)
For Mathematica see also some information in our lecture manuscript .
News: Openoffice or pdf file of the general introduction to computer physics (R. Spurzem) at April 18, 2012.
Runge-Kutta Methods (in German, from Schwarz, Num. Mathematik)
Numerik f. Ingenieure Skript (Numerical Mathematics for En gineers, in German) more technical details on Runge-Kutta methods, see p. 77
Der Lorenz Attraktor (in German)
Lorenz' original paper 1963 (engl.) (Journ. Atmosph. Sciences)

(Responsible for contents: Rainer Spurzem )
Contact: D. Möricke
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