University of Heidelberg

Introduction to GPU Accelerated Computing WS 2016/17 Block Course with Exercises

NEWS: This is the webpage for the GPU Block Course Oct. 4-7, 2016 . In the first session Oct. 4 everyone present could be accepted for the course (including waiting list); everyone who has a lecture account by now is a regular participant. Registration/Enrolment is finally CLOSED now. Our block course can be found in the in the LSF system with this link here .
Files: Complete Slides of Lecture 1-3
Lecture Slides Jason Sanders complete
User Handbook kepler cluster
NVIDIA Slides on User API's
NBODY6++ Technical Manual
NBODY6++ Our Experiments Description
NBODY6++ Lecture Slides
Summary: We will learn the basic technique to use GPU (graphical processing units, graphics cards) for numerical accelered computing at the example of CUDA - an extension of C.
Enrolment: Please use this link: . "October New Group" are the currently registered participants, "Overflow Group" contains the waiting list (in order of enrolment).
Lecturer: Prof. Rainer Spurzem; ZAH/ARI, Mönchhofstr. 12-14, 69120 Heidelberg
Time and Place: Tuesday - Friday, Oct. 4-7, 2016; Lecture: 10:15 - 13:00 Uhr, Exercises: 14:15 - 17:00, BOTH at Philosophenweg 12 (Physics/Astronomy), CIP Pool.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of a higher programming language such as C, C++, Fortran or similar

Topic: We will learn the basic technique to use GPU (graphical processing units, graphics cards) for numerical accelered computing at the example of CUDA - an extension of the C programming language. Also some general ideas of parallel programming will be discussed. GPU accelerated parallel computing is a technique used in many areas of computational physics and astrophysics. See for example this conference with current research been done: GPU 2016 Rome . After the basic introduction one or two application examples will be presented. This is a four day block course with lectures in the morning and practical hands-on exercises in the afternoon. Topics: Parallel Computing, GPU Hardware, Elements of CUDA Language, Data Transfer, Vector and Matrix Operations, Simple Application for N-Body Problem.
Literature: CUDA by Example, of Jason Sanders and Edward Kandrot . Our course is inspired by this book and lectures of the authors, but will cover much less details; on the other hand we will learn about some astrophysical application, which is not in the book.

Exercises: Tue - Fri, Oct. 4-7, 14:15 - 17:00 Uhr, INF 227, CIP Pool KIP 1.401
Solution of Problems with help provided by the lecturer

(Responsible for contents: Rainer Spurzem )
Contact: D. Möricke
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