University of Heidelberg

Dynamics of galaxies, star clusters and planetary systems (MVSem)

Lecturers: Rainer Spurzem, N.N. and Francesco Flammini Dotti

Winter term 2024/25 (2 SWS)
Wednesday 14:15 - 15:45, ARI seminarroom (1st floor)

This 'Masterpflichtseminar' is addressed specifically to master students, who intend to obtain the mantadory 'MVSem' graded certificate required for the master in physics. It is organised as a journal club, where every topic usually consists of a seminar talk by the student presenting one or more recent research papers. An additional written report on the presentation is required.


Link will be published in due time here.

Time Plan

A presentation of possible topics, the choice of topics and time plan will be done in the first and second session (in brackets you find the available supervisors for each date). A list of topics as suggested by the lecturers can be found here. More and other suggestions are always welcome.

  • 16.10. Planning Session
  • 23.10.
  • 30.10.
  • 6.11.
  • 13.11.
  • 20.11.
  • 27.11.
  • 4.12.
  • 11.12.
  • 18.12.
  • Christmas/New Year Break
  • 8.1.
  • 15.1.
  • 22.1.
  • 29.1.
  • 5.2. free (MSc exam week)

(Responsible for contents: Rainer Spurzem )
Contact: R. Spurzem
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