Project Description for the DFG Call on Research Software Sustainability

NBODY - astrophysics for star clusters, galactic nuclei, black holes

List of International Teams

In the following we will list all teams who have explicitly confirmed their interest in recent days to participate in this project, in the sense that they use NBODY codes for their scientific projects, that they are contributing with scientific input to the code in their specific fields and that they highly appreciate the improvement of accessibility and usability of our software as it will be provided here.

Dr. Thorsten Naab of the Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching is a co-I on this project. Dr. Markus Rampp of the Max-Planck Computing and Data Facility will be a team member on the Max-Planck side as an expert for high performance and accelerated computational astrophysics, Markus Rampp


This is an application oriented research and development project. The NBODY software in the focus of this project is a “Demonstrator” Sottware in the terms described in this call. We have demonstrated in the previous section that the software is used by numerous research projects and publications internationally, and the basic features of the software have been proven many times. Its unique features are listed here again for reference:

We find the following barriers for current and future use, in particular for a significant extension of the current user basis; in spite of these barriers we still have a currently large user basis, and it is expected that removal of some or all of these barriers will have a significant effect on the future user basis: