Not So Recent News
"Stellar Age Spreads in Clusters as Imprints of Cluster-Parent Clump Densities",
accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal: arXiv:1407.4119
Movies illustrating the concept of local-density driven clustered star formation
"Local-Density Driven Clustered Star Formation", accepted for publication in A&A: arXiv:1211.1383
"The mass function and dynamical mass of young star clusters: Why their initial crossing-time
matters crucially", accepted for publication in MNRAS: arXiv:1209.0766
"Probing the Microscopic with the Macroscopic:
from Properties of Star Cluster Systems to Properties of Cluster-Forming Regions",
12 pages, summary of the 3 peer-reviewed papers listed below,
and proceedings for "Stellar Clusters & Associations: A RIA Workshop on Gaia" (Granada, 23-27 May 2011): arXiv:1107.3558
"Volume Density Thresholds for Overall Star Formation imply Mass-Size Thresholds for Massive Star Formation",
accepted for publication in MNRAS: arXiv:1106.1173
"From the molecular-cloud- to the embedded-cluster-mass function
with a density threshold for star formation",
accepted for publication in MNRAS: arXiv:1101.0813
"The puzzle of the cluster-forming core mass-radius relation
and why it matters",
accepted for publication in MNRAS: arXiv:1009.5381
Invited talk "Early dynamical evolution of star cluster systems" at IAU Symposium 266, held within the framework
of the 2009 General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union: click here for the proceedings