IAU Symposium 207 on


Date:        March 12 - 16, 2001
Venue:      Hotel del Lago, Pucón, Chile
Host:        Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Contact:    starclus@mpia-hd.mpg.de

IAU Symposium 207 had ~180 attendees and featured ~60 science talks and ~94 posters. Many thanks to all the participants and sponsors for making this such an active and enjoyable event.

The proceedings will be published in the IAU Symposium Series by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. They are currently being printed and expected to be mailed out by the end of 2002.

Knut Olsen and Jon Holtzman set up a great web page with pictures taken during the banquet. Also, Jesús Maíz-Apellániz put together a very nice page, as did Michael Hilker. Enjoy!

Purpose of the meeting:

        This IAU Symposium aims at exploring the diversity and common properties of star clusters ranging from ancient globulars to young starburst clusters in different environments. We want to bring together researchers working on the many different aspects of extragalactic star clusters in a variety of different wavelength ranges in order to gain a comprehensive picture of star cluster formation and evolution and their role in the evolutionary framework of their parent galaxies.

Topics to be addressed include:
  • Star cluster formation in its entirety ranging from short-lived, low-density OB associations to open clusters, rich populous clusters, and to very massive, dense super star clusters, the possible progenitors of today's globular clusters.
  • Star cluster formation in all possible environments including low-mass dwarf galaxies, irregular and spiral galaxies, starburst galaxies, interacting and merging galaxies or galaxies that suffered such events on a large scale in the past, isolated ellipticals and ellipticals in galaxy cluster environments.
  • The preconditions for cluster formation as a function of environment and external influences, questions of variations of the initial mass function, the question of the existence and length of a period of preferred globular cluster formation, cluster life times and destruction mechanisms.
  • The use of star clusters, especially globular clusters, to study galaxy formation and evolution, galaxy dynamics, and the distance scale.
       In preparation for this meeting a one-day topical session was held at the Centennial Meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Chicago in June 1999. The program of this session contained several of our planned topics in a very compressed format.

        These webpages will no longer be maintained. Most of the links have been removed. Most of the remaining links below are still working. The meeting's e-mail account, starclus@mpia.de, has been disabled.


    Invited speakers

    IAU support
    Funding and grants

    Scientific program
    Meeting poster

Eva Grebel & Doug Geisler
Last update: Sep 20, 2002