Teaching (Joachim Wambsganss)
SS 2012: Vorlesung "Physik B", Monday and Wednesday, 9:15 am, INF 308
SS 2012: Literature Seminar: Journal Club, Monday, 4:00 pm, ARI Basement
SS 2012: Seminar: Gravitational Lensing, Monday, 5:30 pm, ARI Basement
SS 2012: ARI Institute Colloquium, Thursday, 11:15 am, ARI Seminar room
More courses and seminars in Astronomy and Astrophysics offered at Heidelberg University in summer term 2012 [Link]
Teaching program of University / Department of Physics and Astronomy in summer term 2012 (LSF) [LINK]
Rules and Regulations ("Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen") of the Department of Physics and Astronomy [Link]
Contact: J. Wambsganß