... chapter[*]
At the beginnig of each chapter I will give references of published work related to the contents of the chapter. Typically, I will firstly mention the refereed article (if any) and, secondly, contributions to conferences (proceedings). As for the chapter under discussion, some sections were used for AS01a, AS04 and SpurzemEtAl03
... process[*]
Anyhow, it has been argued that rare deflections with a large angle may play a important role in the vicinity of a BH LT80.
... component[*]
One should here not be confused by the terminology. When we talk about the gaseous model, we mean the numerical anisotropic model we use to model stellar systems; it is called like that because it is based on moments of the Boltzmann equation with relaxation. The stellar cluster is modelled like a self-gravitating, conducting gas sphere, and was first presented in LS91 and GS94. On the other hand, when we refer to the gaseous component, we mean the physical gas in the cluster, which may conform an .
... scheme[*]
Memory usage is also reduced, scaling like rather than .