Homepage of Priv. Doz. Dr. Andreas Koch
Publication list
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(Last update: Feb. 02, 2024)
(née Koch; publications before 2021 are listed as ``Koch, A.'')
Refereed articles
- Butler, E., Kunder, A., Prudil, Z., Covey, K.R., Ball, M., Campos, C., Gollnick, K., Carjaval, J.O. Hughes, J., Devine, K., Johnson, C., Vivas, A.K., Rich, R.M.,
Joyce, M., Simion, I.T., Marchetti, T., Koch-Hansen, A.J., et 2 alii 2023, ApJL, submitted:
`RR Lyrae Stars Belonging to the Candidate Globular Cluster Patchick 99'
- Prudil, Z., Smolec, R., Kunder, A., Koch-Hansen, A.J., & Dekany, I. 2024, A&A, submitted:
`The Galactic Bulge exploration II.: Line-of-sight velocity templates for single mode RR Lyrae stars for Gaia and APOGEE spectra'
- Koch-Hansen, A.J., Pasquali, A., Rich, R.M., Gerhard, O., & Müller, O. 2024, A&A, in press:
`The Halos and Environments of Nearby Galaxies (HERON) Survey IV: Complexity in the boxy galaxies NGC 720 and NGC 2768'
- Prudil, Z., Kunder, A., Dekany, I., & Koch-Hansen, A.J. 2024, A&A, in press:
'The Galactic Bulge exploration. I. The period-absolute magnitude-metallicity relations for G_BP, V, G, G_RP,
$I$, $J$, $H$, and $K_s$ passbands using Gaia DR3 parallaxes'
- Kunder, A., Prudil, Z., Covey, K.R., Hughes, J., Joyce, M., Simion, I.T., Kuss, R., Campos, C., Johnson, C.I., Pilachowski, C.A., Larson, K.A.,
Koch-Hansen, A.J. et 10 alii 2024, AJ, 167, 21:
The Milky Way Bulge extra-tidal star survey: BH 261 (AL 3)'
- Lim, D., Koch-Hansen, A.J. Hong, S.-H., Chun, C., & Lee, W. 2024, AJ, 167, 3:
`Chemical homogeneity of wide binary systems: An approach from Near-Infrared spectroscopy'
- Mosenkov, A.V., Rich, R.M., Fusco, M., Kennefick, J., Thilker, D., Marchuk, A., Brosch, N., West, M., Gregg, M., Longstaff, F., Koch-Hansen, A.J.,
et 2 alii 2023, MNRAS, 525, 3016:
` The haloes and environments of nearby galaxies (HERON) -- III. A 45 kpc spiral structure in the GLSB galaxy UGC 4599'
- Kader, J.A., Pilachowski, C.A., Johnson, C.I., Rich, R.M., Young, M.D., Simion, I.T., Clarkson, W.I., Michael, S., Kunder, A., Vivas, A.K.,
Koch-Hansen, A.J., & Marchetti, T. 2022, ApJ, 950, 126:
` Blanco DECam Bulge Survey (BDBS) VI: Extinction Maps Towards Southern Galactic Bulge Globular Clusters'
- Kader, J.A., Pilachowski, C.A., Johnson, C.I., Rich, R.M., Young, M.D., Simion, I.T., Clarkson, W.I.,
Michael, S., Kunder, A., Vivas, A.K., Koch-Hansen, A.J., & Marchetti, T.
2022, ApJ, 940, 76:
` Blanco DECam Bulge Survey (BDBS) VII: Multiple Populations in Globular Clusters of the Galactic Bulge}'
- Lim, D., Koch-Hansen, A.J., Chun, S.-H., Hong, S., & Lee, Y.-W. 2022, A&A, 666, 62:
` High-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy of globular cluster and eld stars toward the Galactic bulge'
- Lombardo, L., Bonifacio, P., Francois, P., Hansen, C.J., Caffau, E.,
Hanke, M., Skuladottir, \'A., Arcones, A., Eichler, M., Reichert, M., Psaltis, A.,
Koch-Hansen, A.J., & Sbordone, L. 2022, A&A, 665, 10:
` The CERES survey I. Stellar parameters and chemical abundances of selected elements'
- Prudil, Z., Koch-Hansen, A.J., Lemasle, B., Grebel, E.K., Marchetti, T., Hansen, C.J.,
Crestani, J., Bono, G., et 4 alii
2022, A&A, 664, 148:
` Milky Way archaeology using RR Lyrae and type II Cepheids II. Unbound RR Lyrae stars, and mass of the Milky Way'
- Marchetti, T., Johnson, C.I., Joyce, M., Rich, R.M., Simion, I.T., Young, M.D., Clarkson, W., Pilachowski, C.A., Michael, S., Kunder, A.,
Koch-Hansen, A.J., & Vivas, K. 2022, A&A, 664, 124:
` The Blanco DECam Bulge Survey (BDBS) VI. Cleaning the foreground populations from Galactic bulge Color-Magnitude Diagrams using Gaia EDR3'
- Johnson, C.I., Rich, R.M., Simion, I.T., Young, M.D., Clarkson, W.I., Pilachowski, C.A., Michael, S., Marchetti, T., Soto, M., Kunder, A.,
Koch-Hansen, A.J.,
et 4 alii
2022, MNRAS, 515, 1496:
` Blanco DECam Bulge Survey (BDBS) V: Metallicity Distributions and Bulge Structure from 2.6 Million Red Clump Stars'
- Lim, D., Koch-Hansen, A.J., Hansen, C.J., Lepine, S., Marshall, J., Wilkinson, M.I., &
Penarrubia, J. 2021, A&A, 655, 26:
`Chemodynamics of metal-poor wide binaries in the Galactic halo: An association with the Sequoia event'
- Koch-Hansen, A.J., Hansen, C.J., & McWilliam, A. 2021, A&A, 653, 2):
`NGC~1261: an r-process enhanced globular cluster from the Gaia-Enceladus event'
- Kunder, A., Crabb, R.E., Debattista, V.P., Koch-Hansen, A.J., & Huhmann, B.M. 2021, ApJ, 162, 86:
`Spectroscopic observations of obscured Galactic populations in the inner Galaxy: 2MASS-GC02, Terzan 4, and the 200 km/s stellar peak'
- Bonifacio, P., Monaco, L., Salvadori, S., Caffau, E., Spite, M., Sbordone, L., Spite, F., Ludwig, H.-G., Di Matteo, P., Haywood, M., Fran\c ois, P.,
Koch-Hansen, A.J., Christlieb, N., & Zaggia, S. 2021, A&A, 651, 79:
`TOPoS VI. The metal-weak tail of the metallicity distribution functions of the Milky Way and of the Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus structure'
- Crestani, J., Braga, V.F., Fabrizio, M., Bono, G., Sneden, C., Preston, G., Ferraro, I., Iannicola, G., Nonino, M., Fiorentino, G.,
Th\'evenin, F., Lemasle, B., Prudil, Z., Alves-Brito, A., Altavilla, G., Charboyer, B., Dall'Ora, M., D'Orazi, V., Gilligan, C., Grebel, E.K., Koch-Hansen, A.J.,
et 15 alii, ApJ, 914, 10:
`On the Use of Field RR Lyrae as Galactic Probes. III. The alpha-element abundances'
- Prudil, Z., Hanke, M., Lemasle, B., Crestani, J., Braga, V.F., Fabrizio, M., Koch-Hansen, A.J., Bono, G.,
et 14 alii
2021, A&A, 648, 78:
`Milky Way archaeology using RR Lyrae and type II Cepheids I. The Orphan stream in 7D using RR Lyrae stars'
- Lim, D., Koch-Hansen, A.J., Chung, C., Johnson, C.I., Kunder, A., Simion, I.T., Rich, R.M., Clarkson, W.I.,
et 4 alii
2021, A&A, 647, 34:
`Blanco DECam Bulge Survey (BDBS) III: A new view on the double red clump in the Milky Way bulge through luminosity and color distribution'
- Lim, D., Lee, Y.-W., Koch, A., Hong, S., Johnson, C.I., Kim, J.J., Chung, C., Mateo, M., & Bailey, J.I., III
2020, ApJ, 907, 47:
`Differences in chemical abundances between the faint and bright red clump in the bulge'
- Koch-Hansen, A.J., Hansen, C.J., Lombardo, L., Bonifacio, P., Hanke, M., & Caffau, E. 2020, A&A, 645, 64:
`Purveyors of fine halos III. Chemical abundance analysis of a potential ωCentauri associate'
- Hansen, C.J., Koch, A., Mashonkina, L., Magg, M.,
Bergemann, M., Sitnova, T., Gallagher, A., Semenova, E.,
et 5 alii
2020, A&A, 643, 49:
`Mono-enriched stars and Galactic chemical evolution -- Possible biases in observations and theory'
- Johnson, C.I., Rich, R.M., Young, M.D., Simion, I.T., Clarkson, W.I., Pilachowski, C.A., Michael, S., Kunder, A.,
Koch, A., &
Vivas, A.K. 2020, MNRAS, 499, 2357
`Blanco DECam Bulge Survey (BDBS) II: Project Performance, Data Analysis, and Early Science Results'
- Rich, R.M., Johnson, C.I., Young, M., Simion, I.T., Clarkson, W.I., Pilachowski, C., Michael, S.,
Kunder, A., Vivas, A.K., Koch, A., et 9 alii 2020, MNRAS, 499, 2340:
`The Bulge DECam Blanco Survey. I. The Survey Description and Early Results'
- Savino, A., Koch, A., Prudil, Z., Kunder, A. 2020, A&A, 641, 96:
`The age of the Milky Way inner stellar spheroid from RR Lyrae population synthesis'
- Tempel, E., Tuvikene, T., Muru, M.M., Stoica, R.S., Bensby, T., Chiappini, C., Christlieb, N.,
Cioni, M.-R.L, Comparat, J., Feltzing, S., Hook, I., Koch, A., et 12 alii 2020, MNRAS, 497, 4626:
`Optimised tiling pattern for multi-object spectroscopic surveys: application to the 4MOST survey'
- Cullinane, L., Mackey, D.A., Da Costa, G.S., Koposov, S.E., Belokurov, V.,
Erkal, D., Koch, A., et 2 alii
2020, MNRAS, 497, 3055:
`The Magellanic Edges Survey I.: Description and first results'
- Hanke, M., Koch, A., Prudil, Z., Grebel, E.K., & Bastian, U. 2020, A&A, 637, 98:
`Purveyors of fine halos II: Chemodynamic association of escapees with Milky Way halo globular clusters'
- Kunder, A.M., Perez Villégas, A., Rich, R.M., Ogata, J., Murari, E.,
Boren, E., Johnson, C.I., Nataf, D.M., Walker, A., Bono, G., Koch, A.,
et 3 alii 2020, AJ, 159, 270:
`The Bulge Radial Velocity Assay for RR Lyrae stars (BRAVA-RR) DR2: A bimodal bulge'
- Mosenkov, A., Rich, R.M., Koch, A., Brosch, N., Thilker, D., Román, J.,
& Müller, O. 2020, MNRAS, 494, 1751:
`Halos and Environments of Nearby Galaxies (HERON) II: The outer structure of edge-on galaxies'
- Tempel, E., Norberg, P., Tuvikene, T., Bensby, T., Chiappini, C., Cioni, M.-R.L, Comparat, J., Davies, L.J.M.,
Guiglon, G., Koch, A., et 13 alii 2019, A&A, 625, 101:
`Probabilistic fibre-to-target assignment algorithm for multi-object spectroscopic surveys'
- Reina-Campos, M., Hughes, M.E., Kruijssen, J.M.D., Pfeffer, J.L., Bastian, N., Crain, R.A., Koch, A., & Grebel, E.K. 2019,
MNRAS, 493, 3422:
`The mass fraction of halo stars contributed by globular clusters in the E-MOSAICS simulations'
- Koch, A., & Côté, P. 2019, A&A, 632, 55:
`An outer shade of Pal: Abundance analysis of the outer halo Globular Cluster Palomar 13'
- Watson, D., Hansen, C.J., Selsing, J., Koch, A., Malesani, D., Andersen, A.C., Fynbo, J.P.U.,
Arcones, A.,
et 10 alii 2019, Nature, 574, 497:
`Strontium discovered in the merger of two neutron stars'
- Rich, R.M., Mosenkov, A., Lee-Saunders, H., Koch, A., Kormendy, J., Kennefick, J., Brosch, N.,
Saadie, M.L.,
et 9 alii 2019, MNRAS, 490, 1539:
`The Halos and Environments of Nearby Galaxies (HERON) Survey I. Sample characteristics and halo diameters'
- Lora, V., Grebel, E.K., Schmeja, S., & Koch, A. 2019, ApJ, 878, 152:
`Cold, old, and metal-poor: new stellar substructures in the Milky Way's dwarf spheroidals'
- Koch, A., Xu, S., & Rich, R.M. 2019, A&A, 627, 70:
`Chemical composition of the outer halo globular cluster Palomar 15'
- Koch, A., Grebel, E.K., & Martell, S.L. 2019, A&A, 625, 75:
`Purveyors of fine halos: Re-assessing globular cluster contributions to the Milky Way halo build-up with SDSS-IV'
- Müller, O., Rich, R.M., Román, J., Yildiz, M.K., Bilek, M., Duc, P.-A., Fensch, J., Trujillo, I., & Koch, A.
2019, A&A, 624, L6:
`A tidal's tale: detection of multiple stellar streams in the environment of NGC 1052'
- Hansen, C.J., Hansen, T.T., Koch, A., Beers, T.C., Nordström, B., Placco, V.M., & Andersen, J. 2019, A&A, 623, 128:
`Abundances and kinematics of carbon-enhanced very metal-poor stars in the Galactic halo -- a new classification scheme based on
Sr and Ba'
- Koch, A., Reichert, M., Hansen, C.J., Hampel, M., Stancliffe, R.J., Karakas, A.I., & Arcones, A.
2019, A&A, 622, 159:
`Unusual neutron-capture nucleosynthesis in a carbon-rich Galactic bulge star'
- Francois, P., Caffau, E., Bonifacio, P., Spite, M., Spite, F., Cayrel, R., Christlieb, N., Gallagher, A., Klessen, R., Koch, A.,
et 6 alii 2018, A&A, 620, 187
`TOPoS: V. Abundance ratios in a sample of very metal-poor turn-off stars'
- Hanke, M., Hansen, C.J., Koch, A., & Grebel, E.K. 2018, A&A, 619, 134:
`ATHOS: On-the-fly stellar parameter determination of FGK stars from optical spectra based on line-depth ratios'
- Piatti, A., & Koch, A. 2018, ApJ, 867, 8:
`Search for an intrinsic metallicity spread in old globular clusters of the Large Magellanic Cloud'
- Koch, A., Kacharov, N., & Hanke, M. 2018, A&A, 616, 74:
`Kinematics of outer halo globular clusters: M 75 and NGC 6426'
- Bonifacio, P., Caffau, E., Spite, M., Spite, F., Sbordone, L., Monaco, L., Francois, P.,
Plez, B., Molaro, P., Gallagher, A.J., Cayrel, R., Christlieb, N. Klessen, R., Koch, A.,
et 4 alii 2018, A&A, 612, 55:
`TOPoS: IV. Chemical abundances from high-resolution observations of seven EMP stars'
- Kunder, A., Mills, A., Edgecomb, J., Thomas, M., Schilter, L., Boyle, C., Parker, S., Bellevue, G.,
Rich, R.M., Koch, A., et 2 alii
2018, AJ, 155, 171:
`Radial velocities of RR Lyrae stars in and around NGC 6441'
- Hollyhead, K., Lardo, C., Kacharov, N., Bastian, N., Hilker, M., Rejkuba, M., Koch, A., et 2 alii
2018, MNRAS, 476, 114:
`Kron 3: a fourth intermediate age cluster in the SMC with evidence of multiple populations'
- Koch, A., Hansen, T.T., & Kunder, A. 2018, A&A, 609, 13:
`Detailed chemical abundance analysis of the thick disk star cluster Gaia 1'
- Susmitha, A., Koch, A., & Sivarani, T. 2017, A&A, 606, 112:
`Abundance analysis of a CEMP-no star in the Carina dwarf spheroidal galaxy'
- Koch, A., Kunder, A., & Wojno, J. 2017, A&A, 605, 128:
'Spectroscopic confirmation of the low-latitude object FSR 1716 as an old globular cluster'
- Duffau, S., Caffau, E., Sbordone, L., Bonifacio, P., Andrievsky, S., Korotin, S., Babusiaux, C., Salvadori, S., Monaco, L., Francois, P.,
Skúladóttir, Á, Bragaglia, A., Donati, P., Spina, L., Gallagher, A.J., Ludwig, H.-G., Christlieb, N., Hansen, C.J., Mott, A., Steffen, M., Zaggia, S.,
Blanco-Cuaresma, S., Calura, F., Friel, E., F.M., Jiménez-Esteban, F.M., Koch, A., et 17 alii 2017, A&A, 604, 128:
`The Gaia-ESO Survey: Galactic evolution of sulphur and zinc'
- Koch, A., Hansen, C.J., & Kunder, A.M. 2017, A&A, 604, 41:
`Spectroscopic study of the elusive cluster ESO452-SC11 and its surroundings'
- Spencer, M.E., Mateo, M., Walker, M.G., Olszewski, E.W., McConnachie, A.W., Kirby, E.N., & Koch, A. 2017, AJ, 153, 254
`The binary fraction of stars in dwarf galaxies: The case of Leo II'
- Koch, A., Black, C.S., Rich, R.M., Longstaff, F.A., Collins, M.L.M., & Janz, J. 2017, AN, 338, 503:
`Another look at the size of the low-surface brightness galaxy VCC 1661 in the Virgo Cluster'
- Koch, A., & Côté, P. 2017, A&A, 601, 41:
`Galactic Pal-eontology: Abundance analysis of the disrupted globular cluster Palomar 5'
- Hanke, M., Koch, A., Hansen, C.J., & McWilliam, A. 2017, A&A, 599, 97:
`Insights into the chemical composition of the metal-poor Milky Way halo globular cluster NGC 6426'
- Hansen, C.J., Jofr\'e, P., Koch, A., McWilliam, A., & Sneden, C.S. 2017, A&A, 598, 54:
`Something borrowed, something blue: The nature of blue metal-poor stars inferred from their colours and chemical abundances'
- Pancino, E., Lardo, C., Altavilla, G., et al. 2017, A&A, 598, 5:
`The Gaia ESO Survey: calibration strategy'
- Hollyhead, K., Kacharov, N., Lardo, C., Bastian, N., Hilker, M., Rejkuba, M., Koch, A., et 2 alii
% Grebel, E.K., & Georgiev, I.
2017, MNRAS, 465, L39:
`Evidence for multiple populations in intermediate age cluster Lindsay 1 in the SMC'
- Caffau, E., Bonifacio, P., Spite, M., Spite, F., Monaco, L., Sbordone, L., Francois, P., Gallagher, A.J.,
Plez, B., Zaggia, S., Ludwig, H.-G., Cayrel, R., Koch., A.,
et 4 alii 2016, A&A, 595, L6:
`TOPoS: III. An extremely iron-poor CEMP multiple system'
- Ruchti, G.R., Feltzing, S., Lind, K., Caffau, E., Korn, A., Schnurr, O., Hansen, C.J., Koch, A.,
et 2 alii 2016, MNRAS, 461, 2174:
`A new algorithm for optimizing the wavelength coverage for spectroscopic studies: Spectral
Wavelength Optimization Code (SWOC)'
- Hansen, C.J., Rich, R.M., Koch, A., Xu, S., Kunder, A.M., & Ludwig, H.-G. 2016, A&A, 590, 39:
`Chemical abundances in a high-velocity RR Lyrae star near the bulge'
- Kunder, A.M., Rich, R.M., Koch, A.,
et 8 alii 2016, ApJL, 821, L25:
`Before the bar: Kinematic detection of a spheroidal metal-poor bulge component'
- Koch, A., McWilliam, A., Preston, G.W., & Thompson, I.B. 2016, A&A, 587, 124:
`Metal-poor stars towards the Galactic bulge -- a population potpourri'
- Martin, N.F., Ibata, R.A., Collins, M.L.M., Rich, R.M., Bell, E.F.,
Ferguson, A.M.N., Laevens, B.P.M., Rix, H.-W., Chapman, S.C., & Koch, A.
ApJ, 818, 40:
`Triangulum II: A very metal-poor and dynamically hot system'
- Hendricks, B., Boeche, C., Johnson, C.I., Frank, M.J., Koch, A., Mateo, M., & Bailey,
J.I., III 2015,
A&A, 585, 86:
`Evidence for chemical enrichment coupling of globular clusters and field stars in the Fornax dSph'
- Koch, A., Frank, M.J., Pasquali, A., Rich, R.M., & Rabitz, A. 2015,
ApJ, 815, 105:
`Major mergers with small galaxies -- the discovery of a Magellanic-type galaxy at z=0.12'
- Hansen, C.J., Ludwig, H.-G., Seifert, W., Koch, A., et 11 alii 2015,
AN, 336, 665:
`Science from a blue wavelength range: A possible design for the blue arm of 4MOST'
- Frank, M., Koch, A., Feltzing, S., Kacharov, N., Wilkinson, M.I., & Irwin, M.
A&A, 581, 72:
`Strömgen ubvy photometry of the peculiar globular cluster NGC 2419'
- Kunder, A., Rich, R.M., Hawkins, K., Poleski, R., Storm, J., Johnson, C.I., Shen, J.,
Li, Z.-Y., Cordero, M.J., Nataf, D., Bono, G., Walker, A.R., Koch, A.,
et 11 alii 2015,
ApJL, 808, L12:
`A high-velocity bulge RR Lyrae variable on a halo-like orbit'
- Koch, A., Danforth, C.W., Rich, R.M., Ibata, R.A., & Keeney, B.A.
ApJ, 807, 153:
A detection of gas associated with the M31 Stellar Stream'
- Bonifacio, P., Caffau, E., Spite, M., Limongi, M., Chieffi, A., Klessen, R., Francois, P., Molaro, P.,
Ludwig, H.-G., Zaggia, S., Spite, F., Plez, B., Cayrel, R., Christlieb, N.,
Clark, P.C., Glover, S., Hammer, F., Koch. A., et 3 alii
A&A, 579, 28:
` TOPoS: II. On the bimodality of carbon enhanced stars. Implications on the early chemical evolution of galaxies'
- San Roman, I., Munoz, C., Geisler, D., Villanova, S., Kacharov, N., Koch, A.,
et 23 alii 2015,
A&A, 579, 6:
`The Gaia-ESO Survey: Detailed abundances in the metal-poor globular cluster NGC 4372'
- Hyde, E., Keller, S., Zucker, D., Ibata, R., Siebert, A., Lewis, G., Penarrubia, J., Irwin, M., Gilmore, G., Lane, R.,
Koch, A., et 3 alii
ApJ, 805, 189:
`Selecting Sagittarius: Identification and chemical characterization of the Sagittarius Stream'
- Kacharov, N., Koch, A., Caffau, E., & Sbordone, L. 2015,
A&A, 577, 18:
`The Galactic evolution of sulphur traced by globular clusters'
- Ural, U., Cescutti, G., Koch, A., Kleyna, J.T., Feltzing, S., & Wilkinson, M.I. 2015,
MNRAS, 449, 761:
`An inefficient dwarf: Chemical abundances and the evolution of the Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal galaxy'
- Hendricks, B., Koch, A., Walker, M., Johnson, C.I., Penarrubia, J., & Gilmore, G.F. 2014,
A&A, 572, 82
`Insights from the outskirts: chemical and dynamical properties in the outer parts of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy'
- Koch, A., & Rich, R.M. 2014,
ApJ, 794, 89
`A chemical confirmation of the faint Boötes II dwarf spheroidal galaxy'
- Johnson, C.I., Rich, R.M., Kobayashi, C., Kunder, A., & Koch, A.
2014, AJ, 148, 87
`Light, Alpha, and Fe-peak element abundances in the Galactic bulge'
- Kacharov, N., Bianchini, P., Koch, A., Frank, M.J., Martin, N.F., van de Ven, G., Puzia, T.H., McDonald, I., et 2 alii
2014 A&A, 567, 69:
`A study of rotating globular clusters -- The case of the old, metal poor globular cluster NGC 4372'
- Koch, A., & McWilliam, A. 2014,
A&A, 565, 23:
`The chemical composition of a regular halo globular cluster: NGC 5897'
- Hendricks, B., Koch, A., Lanfranchi, G.A., Boeche, C., Walker, M., Johnson, C.I., Penarrubia, J., & Gilmore, G.F. 2014,
ApJ, 785, 102:
`The metal-poor knee in the Fornax dwarf Spheroidal galaxy'
- Pasquini, L., Koch, A., Smiljanic, R., Bonifacio, P., & Modigliani, A. 2014,
A&A, 563, 3:
`The Be-test in the Li-rich star #1657 of NGC 6397: evidence for Li-flash in RGB stars?'
- Collins, M.L.M., Chapman, S.C., Rich, R.M., Ibata, R.A., Martin, N.F., Irwin, M.J., Bate, N.F., Lewis, G.F.,
Penarrubia, J., Arimoto, N., Casey, C.M.,
Ferguson, A.M.N., Koch, A., et 2 alii 2014,
ApJ, 783, 7:
`The masses of Local Group dwarf Spheroidal galaxies: the death of the universal mass profile?'
- Koch, A., Hansen, T., Feltzing, S., & Wilkinson, M.I. 2014,
ApJ, 780, 91:
`A spectroscopic binary in the Hercules dwarf Spheroidal galaxy'
- Caffau, E., Bonifacio, P., Sbordone, L., Francois, P., Monaco, L., Spite, M., Plez, B., Cayrel, R., Christlieb, N.,
Clark, P.C., Glover, S., Klessen, R., Koch. A.,
et 4 alii 2013,
A&A, 560, 71:
`TOPoS: I. Survey design and analysis of the first sample'
- Kacharov, N., Koch, A., & McWilliam, A. 2013,
A&A, 554, A81:
`A comprehensive chemical abundance study of the outer halo globular cluster M 75'
- Koch, A., Feltzing, S., Adén, D., & Matteucci, F. 2013,
A&A, 554, A5:
`Neutron-capture element deficiency of the Hercules dwarf spheroidal galaxy'
- Collins, M.L.M., Chapman, S.C., Irwin, M.J., Rich, R.M., Ibata, R.A., Martin, N.F., Bate, N.F., Lewis, G.F.,
Penarrubia, J., Arimoto, N., Casey, C.M., Ferguson, A.M.N., Koch, A., et 2 alii 2013,
ApJ, 768, 172:
`A kinematic study of the Andromeda dwarf spheroidal system'
- Johnson, C.I., Rich., R.M., Kobayashi, C., Kunder, A., Pilachowski, C.A., Koch, A., & de Propris, R. 2013,
ApJ, 765, 157:
`Metallicity distribution functions, radial velocities, and alpha element abundances in three off-axis bulge fields'
- Caffau, E., Koch, A., Sbordone, L., et 19 alii 2013, AN, 334, 197:
`Velocity and abundance precisions for future high-resolution spectroscopic surveys: a study for 4MOST'
- Lianou, S., Grebel, E.K., Da Costa, G.S., Rejkuba, M., Jerjen, H., & Koch, A. 2013,
A&A, 550, 7:
`Population gradients and photometric metallicities in early- and transition-type dwarf galaxies: clues from the Sculptor Group'
- Haschke, R., Grebel, E.K., Frebel, A., Duffau, S., Hansen, C.J., & Koch, A. 2012,
AJ, 144, 88:
`Chemical abundances of metal-poor RR Lyrae stars in the Magellanic Clouds'
- Koch, A., Burkert, A., Rich, R.M., Collins, M.L.M., Black, C.S., Hilker, M., & Benson, A. 2012,
ApJL, 755, L13:
`Threshing in Action -- The tidal disruption of a dwarf galaxy by the Hydra I Cluster'
- Salucci, P., Wilkinson, M.I., Walker, M.G., Gilmore, G.F., Grebel, E.K., Koch, A., Frigerio
Martins, C., & Wyse, R.F.G. 2012, MNRAS, 420, 2034:
`Dwarf spheroidal galaxy kinematics and spiral galaxy scaling laws'
- Rich, R.M., Collins, M.L.M., Black, C.S., Longstaff, F.M., Koch, A., Benson, A., & Reitzel, D.B.
2012, Nature, 482, 192:
`A tidally distorted dwarf galaxy near NGC 4449'
- Kunder, A., Koch, A., Rich, R.M., et 13 alii 2012,
AJ, 143, 57 :
`The Bulge Radial Velocity Assay (BRAVA): II. Complete sample and data release'
- Lépine, S., Koch, A., Rich, R.M., & Kuijken, K. 2011,
ApJ, 741, 100:
`A first measurement of the proper motion of the Leo II dwarf spheroidal galaxy'
- Koch, A., & Caffau, E. 2011,
A&A, 534, 52:
`Sulphur in the metal poor globular cluster NGC 6397'
- Koch, A., Lind, K., & Rich, R.M. 2011,
ApJL, 738, L29:
`Discovery of a super-Li rich turn-off star in the metal poor globular cluster NGC 6397'
- Koch, A., & McWilliam, A. 2011,
AJ, 142, 63:
`A differential chemical element analysis of the metal poor globular cluster NGC 6397'
- Lianou, S., Grebel, E.K., & Koch, A. 2011, A&A, 531, 152:
`Spectroscopic versus photometric metallicities: Dwarf spheroidal galaxies as a test case'
- De Propris, R., Rich, R.M., Kunder, A., Johnson, C.I., Koch, A., et 6 alii
2011, ApJL, 732, L36:
`Separating the conjoined red clump in the Galactic Bulge: Kinematics and Abundances'
- Collins, M.L.M., Chapman, S.C., Ibata, R.A., Irwin, M.J., Rich, R.M., Ferguson, A.M.N., Lewis, G.F., Tanvir, N.,
& Koch, A.
2011, MNRAS, 413, 1548:
`The kinematic identification of a thick disk in M31'
- Adén, D., Eriksson, K., Feltzing, S., Grebel, E.K., Koch, A., & Wilkinson, M.I. 2011,
A&A, 525, 153:
`A spectroscopic study of red-giant-branch stars in the Hercules dwarf spheroidal galaxy'
- Lianou, S., Grebel, E.K., & Koch, A. 2010, A&A, 521, A43
`Dwarf galaxies in the M81 group - metallicity distributions and population gradients'
- Koch, A., & Côté, P. 2010, A&A, 517, A59:
`Chemical abundances for the outer halo cluster Pal 4 from co-added high-resolution spectroscopy'
- Glatt, K., Grebel, E.K., & Koch, A. 2010, A&A, 517, A50:
`Ages and luminosities of young SMC/LMC star clusters'
- Crnojevic, D., Grebel, E.K., & Koch, A. 2010, A&A, 516, A85 :
`A close look at the Centaurus A group of galaxies: I. Metallicity distribution functions and population gradients in early type dwarfs'
- Koch, A., & McWilliam, A. 2010,
AJ, 139, 2289:
`A differential chemical abundance scale for the globular cluster M5'
- Koch, A., & Rich, R.M. 2010, AJ, 139, 2279:
`A statistical analysis of the late type stellar content in the Andromeda halo'
- Ural, U., Wilkinson, M.I., Koch, A., et 7 alii 2010,
MNRAS, 402, 1357:
`Kinematic sub-populations in dwarf spheroidals'
- Adén, D., Wilkinson, M.I., Read, J.I., Feltzing, S., Koch, A.,
Gilmore, G.F., Grebel, E.K., & Lundström, I. 2009, ApJL, 706, L150:
`A new low mass for the dwarf spheroidal galaxy in Hercules: the end
of a common mass scale for the dwarfs?'
- Adén, D., Feltzing, S., Koch, A., et 8 alii
2009, A&A, 506, 1147:
`A photometric and spectroscopic study of the new dwarf spheroidal galaxy in Hercules ---
Metallicity, velocities and a clean list of RGB members'
- Koch, A., Côté, P., & McWilliam, A. 2009, A&A, 506, 729:
`All quiet in the outer halo: chemical abundances in the globular cluster Pal 3'
- Glatt, K., Grebel, E.K., Gallagher, J.S., Nota, A., Sabbi, E., Sirianni, M., Clementini, G.,
Da Costa, G.S., Tosi, M., Harbeck, D., Koch, A., & Kayser, A., 2009, AJ, 138, 1403
`Structural parameters of seven SMC intermediate-age and old star clusters'
- Howard, C.D., Rich, R.M., Clarkson, W., Mallery, R., Kormendy, J., De Propris, R., Robin, A.C., Fux, R., Reitzel, D.B., Zhao, H.S., Kuijken, K.,
& Koch, A. 2009, ApJL, 702, 153:
`Kinematics at the edge of the Galactic bulge: Evidence of cylindrical rotation'
- Donato, F., Gentile, G., Salucci, P., Frigerio Martins, C., Wilkinson, M.I., Gilmore, G.,
Grebel, E.K., Koch, A., & Wyse, R.F.G 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1169:
`A constant dark matter halo surface density in galaxies'
- Koch, A. 2009, AN, 330, 675:
`Complexity in small-scale dwarf scale dwarf spheroidals
(Ludwig Biermann Award lecture)'
- Quinn, D.P., Wilkinson, M.I., Irwin, M.J., Marshall, J., Koch, A., & Belokurov, V.
2009, MNRAS, 396, L11:
`On the reported death of the Macho era'
- Koch, A., Wilkinson, M.I., Kleyna, J.T., Irwin, M.,
Zucker, D.B., Belokurov, V., Gilmore, G.F., Fellhauer, M., & Evans, N.W. 2009,
ApJ, 690, 453,
`A spectroscopic confirmation of the Boötes II dwarf Spheroidal'
- Koch, A., Rich, R.M., Reitzel, D.B, Martin, N., Ibata, R., Chapman, S.,
Majewski, S.R., Mori, M., Loh, Y.-S., Ostheimer, J., & Tanaka, M. 2008,
ApJ, 689, 958,
`Kinematic and chemical constraints on the formation of M31's inner spheroid'
- Howard, C.D. Rich, R.M., Koch, A., Reitzel, D.B., Zhao, H.S., &
De Propris,
R. 2008,
ApJ, 688, 1060:
`The Bulge Radial Velocity Assay (BRAVA): I. Sample selection and a rotation
- Koch, A., McWilliam, A., Grebel, E.K., Zucker, D.B., & Belokurov, V. 2008,
ApJL, 688, L13
`The highly unusual chemical composition of the Hercules dwarf spheroidal galaxy'
- Chapman, S.C., Ibata, R., Irwin, M., Koch, A., et 11 alii,
MNRAS, 390, 1437
`The kinematic footprints of five new giant streams in Andromeda's halo'
- Brown, T.M., Beaton, R., Chiba, M., Ferguson, H.C., Gilbert, K.M., Guhathakurta, P., Iye, M.,
Kalirai, J., Koch, A., et 8 alii 2008, ApJL, 685, 121,
`The extended star formation history of the Andromeda spheroid at thirty five kiloparsecs
on the minor axis'
- Glatt, K., Grebel, E.K., Sabbi, E., Gallagher, J.S., Nota, A., Sirianni, M., Clementini, G., Tosi, M.,
Harbeck, D., Koch, A., Kayser, A., & Da Costa, G.S. 2008,
AJ, 136, 1703
`Age determinations of six intermediate-age SMC star clusters with HST/ACS'
- Koch, A., Grebel, E.K., Gilmore, G.F., Wyse, R.F.G., Kleyna, J.T., Harbeck, D.R.,
Wilkinson, M.I., & Evans, N.W. 2008,
AJ, 135, 1580,
`Complexity on small scales III: Iron and alpha-element
abundances in the Carina dwarf spheroidal galaxy'
- Koch, A., & McWilliam, A. 2008,
AJ, 135, 1551,
`A new abundance scale for the globular cluster 47 Tuc'
- Glatt, K., Gallagher, J.S., Grebel, E.K., Nota, A., Sabbi, E., Sirianni, M., Clementini, G., Tosi, M.,
Harbeck, D.R., & Koch, A., 2008,
AJ, 135, 1106,
`An accurate age determination for the SMC star cluster NGC121 with HST/ACS'
- Coleman, M.G., Jordi, K., Rix, H.-W., Grebel, E.K., & Koch, A. 2007,
AJ, 134, 1938,
`A wide-field view of Leo II - A structural analysis using the
- Koch, A., Kleyna, J.T., Wilkinson, M.I., Grebel, E.K., Gilmore, G.F., Evans, N.W., Wyse,
R.F.G., & Harbeck, D.R. 2007, AJ, 134, 566,
`Stellar kinematics in the Leo II dwarf spheroidal galaxy - Another brick in the wall'
- Gilmore, G., Wilkinson, M.I., Wyse, R.F.G., Kleyna, J.T., Koch, A., Evans, N.W.,
& Grebel, E.K. 2007, ApJ, 663, 948,
`The observed properties of dark matter on small
spatial scales'
- Koch, A., Wilkinson, M.I., Kleyna, J.T., Gilmore, G.F., Grebel, E.K., Mackey, D.A., Evans, N.W.,
& Wyse, R.F.G. 2007,
ApJ, 657, 241
`Stellar kinematics and metallicities in the Leo I dwarf spheroidal galaxy
- wide field implications for galactic evolution'
- Koch, A., Grebel, E.K., Kleyna, J.T., Wilkinson, M.I., Harbeck, D.R., Gilmore, G.F.,
Wyse, R.F.G., & Evans, N.W. 2007,
AJ, 133, 270
`Complexity on small scales II: Metallicities and
ages in the Leo II dwarf spheroidal galaxy'
- Koch, A. & Grebel, E.K. 2006,
AJ, 131, 1405
`The anisotropic distribution of M31 satellite galaxies: A polar great
plane of early-type companions'
- Wyse, R.F.G., Gilmore, G.F., Norris, J.E., Wilkinson, M.I., Kleyna, J.T., Koch, A., Evans, N.W., & Grebel, E.K. 2006,
ApJ, 639, L13
`Further evidence for a merger origin
for the Thick disk: Galactic stars along line-of-sight to dwarf spheroidal galaxies'
- Koch, A., Grebel, E.K., Wyse., R.F.G., Kleyna, J.T., Wilkinson, M.I., Harbeck, D., Gilmore, G.F., & Evans, N.W., 2006,
AJ, 131, 895
`Complexity on small scales:
The metallicity distribution of the Carina dwarf spheroidal galaxy'
- Harbeck, D., Gallagher, J.S., Grebel, E.K., Koch, A., & Zucker, D.B. 2005,
ApJ, 623, 159
`Andromeda IX: Properties of the faintest M 31 dwarf satellite galaxy'
- Koch, A., Grebel, E.K., Odenkirchen, M., Martínez-Delgado, D., & Caldwell, J.A.R. 2004,
AJ, 128, 2274
`Mass segregation in the globular cluster Palomar 5 and its tidal tails'
- Koch, A., Odenkirchen, M., Grebel, E.K., & Caldwell, J.A.R. 2004,
AN, 325, 299
`A calibration map for Wide Field Imager photometry'
- Koch, A., & Edvardsson, B. 2002,
A&A, 381, 500
`Europium abundances in F and G disk dwarfs'
Non-refereed articles & conference contributions
- Rich, R.M., Brosch, N., Bullock, J., Burkert, A., Collins, M., de Groot, L., Kennefick, J.,
Koch, A., et 2 alii 2017, IAUS 321, 186:
`The Halos and Environments of Nearby Galaxies (HERON) Survey'
- Hyde, E., Keller, S., Zucker, D., Ibata, R., Siebert, A., Lewis, G., Penarrubia, J., Irwin, M., Gilmore, G., Lane, R.,
Koch, A., et 3 alii 2015, ADASS conference:
`Significant populations, lessons learnt from the Sagittarius Stream'
- Crnojevic, D., Grebel, E.K., Ferguson, A.M.N., Koch, A., et 8 alii 2015, MSAIS, 86, 302:
`Galaxy evolution through resolved stellar populations in the nearby Centaurus A group'
- Rich, R.M., Johnson, C.,
Koch, A., et 9 alii 2015, in ``Chemical and dynamical evolution of the Milky Way
and Local Group'':
`Composition and Kinematics of the Bulge'
- Nagasawa, D.Q., Marshall, J.L., Li, T., Sneden, C.S., Lepine, S., Schlesinger, K., Johnson, J., McWilliam, A., Koch, A., et 2 alii
2015, BAAS, :
`Measuring M dwarf metallicities using common proper motion F/G/K+M-dwarf wide separation binaries'
- Caffau, E., Gallagher, A., Bonifacio, P., Cayrel, R., Christlieb, N., Clark, P., Francois, P. Glover, S.,
Klessen, R.S., Koch, A., et 8 alii 2014, Proc. of Science, in press:
` The first generation of stars'
- de Jong, R., ..., Koch, A., et 101 alii 2014, SPIE, 9147:
` 4MOST -- 4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope'
- Depagne, E., ..., Koch, A., et al. 2014, Proc. of the workshop ``Asteroseismology of stellar populations in the Milky Way''
(Sesto, 22-26 July 2013), Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, (eds. A. Miglio, L. Girardi, P. Eggenberger, J. Montalban)
` 4MOST -- 4m Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope'
- Clarkson, W.I., Johnson, C.I., Kunder, A., Michael, S., Young, M., Pilachowski, C.A., Belanger, Z., Clyne, E., Ivezic, Z., Ibata, R., Irwin, M.,
de Propris, R., Koch, A., et 3 alii 2014, BAAS, 224, 319, 01:
` Blanco DECam Bulge Survey (BDBS): Current Status and Progress'
- Caffau, E., Sbordone, L., Bonifacio, P., Cayrel, R., Christlieb, N.,
Clark, P.C., Fran\c cois, P., Glover, S., Klessen, R., Koch. A.,
et 7 alii 2014, MSAIS, in press.:
` TOPoS: chemical study of extremely metal-poor stars'
- Hsuy, T., Johnson, C.I., Kunder, A., Rich, R.M., de Propris, R., & Koch, A. 2014, BAAS, 223, 442.04:
` Searching for stellar sub-structure in the Galactic bulge'
- Clarkson, W.I., Rich, R. M., Johnson, C.I., Kunder, A., Michael, S., Young, M., Pilachowski, C.A., Ivezic, Z., Ibata, R., Irwin, M.,
de Propris, R., Koch, A., et 3 alii 2014, BAAS, 223, 346, 19:
` Blanco DECam Bulge Survey (BDBS): Status and Early Results'
- Kacharov, N., Koch, A., Johnson, C.I., Ruchti, G., & Martin, N.F. 2013, AN, submitted:
` Kinematics and chemical elements of the very metal poor globular cluster GC 4372'
- Kacharov, N., & Koch, A. 2013,
MSAIS, 84, 224:
`An abundance study of the outer halo globular cluster M 75'
- Koch, A., Frank, M., Feltzing, S., Adén, D., Kacharov, N., & Wilkinson, M.I. 2013,
MSAIS, 84, 67:
`An intermediate-band photometric study of the ``Globular Cluster'' NGC 2419'
- Black, C.S., Koch, A., Rich, R.M., Longstaff, F.A., Collins, M.L.M., Lisker, T., &
Janz, J. 2013, BAAS, 221, 436.01
`A new, smaller size for the low-surface brightness Virgo Cluster galaxy VCC 1661'
- Hyde, E.A., Zucker, D.B., Keller, S., Siebert, A., Ibata, R., Penarrubia, J., Martell, S.L.,
Lewis, G., Irwin, M., & Koch, A. 2013, BAAS, 221, 425.03:
`Selecting Sagittarius: A study of Sagittarius dwarf members throughout the Milky Way Galactic halo'
- Schaul, D., Rich, R.M., Black, C.S., Reitzel, D.B., Collins, M.L.M., Koch, A., Longstaff, F.A., & Benson, A. 2013, BAAS, 221, 146.01:
`The local Universe at 30 mag/sq. arcsec : Extended stellar halos around near-by galaxies'
- de Jong, R., ..., Koch, A., et 79 alii 2012, SPIE, 8446:
`4MOST -- 4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope'
- Koch, A., Matteucci, F., & Feltzing, S. 2012, in `First Stars IV -- from Hayashi to the future', M. Umemura & K. Omukai (eds.),
ASP Conf. Proc. 1480, 190:
`Small-scale hero: massive star enrichment in the Hercules dwarf spheroidal'
- Kacharov, N., & Koch, A. 2012,
in `First Stars IV -- from Hayashi to the future', M. Umemura & K. Omukai (eds.),
ASP Conf. Proc. 1480, 385:
`Precise abundance analysis of the outer halo globular cluster M75'
- Hyde, E., Zucker, D.B., Irwin, M., Penarrubia, J., & Koch, A. 2012, in
`The 3rd Subaru International Conference -- Galactic archaeology',
ASP Conf. Ser., 458, 325:
`Hermes and the Sagittarius dwarf: a low metallicity goldmine?'
- Crnojevic, D., Grebel, E.K., Ferguson, A.M.N., Cole, A.A., Koch, A., et 4 alii 2012, in
`The 3rd Subaru International Conference -- Galactic archaeology',
ASP Conf. Ser., 458, 321:
`How unique is the Local Group? A comparison to the nearby Centaurus A group'
- Koch, A., Lind, K., Thompson, I.B., & Rich, R.M. 2012, in `Lithium in the Cosmos',
MSAIS, 22, 79:
`A super-Li rich turnoff star in NGC 6397 - The puzzle persists'
- Koch, A. 2012, ANS:
`Hunting chemical oddballs in Galactic halo structures'
- Koch, A., Kunder, A., Rich, R.M., et 9 alii 2012, ANS
`The Complete Sample and Data Release of The Bulge Radial Velocity Assay (BRAVA)'
- Rich, R.M., Kunder, A.M., der Propris, R., Koch, A., et 11 alii 2012,
BAAS, 219, 252.02:
`The Bulge Radial Velocity Assay (BRAVA): Final Results, A New High Velocity Star, and Public Data Release'
- Johnson, C.,I., Rich, R.M., Kunder, A.M., de Propris, R., Kobayashi, C., & Koch, A.
2012, BAAS, 219, 152.11:
`The Chemical Composition of RGB Stars in Off-Axis Bulge Field'
- de Jong, R., Chiappini, C., Schnurr, O., & The 4MOST Consortium 2012, in
`Assembling the puzzle of the Milky Way', C.Reylé, A.Robin and M.Schultheis (eds.), EPJ Web of Conferences, 19, 09004:
`4MOST -- 4-meter Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope'
- Koch, A., Lépine, S., & Çalιşkan, Ş. 2012, in
`Assembling the puzzle of the Milky Way', C.Reylé, A.Robin and M.Schultheis (eds.),
EPJ Web of Conferences, 19, 03002:
`The puzzling assembly of the Milky Way halo -- contributions from dwarf Spheroidals and globular clusters'
- Kunder, A.M., de Propris, R., Rich, R.M., Koch, A., et 12
alii, BAAS, 43, 241.12:
`The Bulge Radial Velocity Assay: New Observations and Results'
- Hyde, E., Zucker, D.B., Penarrubia, J., Irwin, M., Lane, R., Lewis, G.F., Gilmore, G., & Koch, A., BAAS, 43, 152.28:
`Was the Progenitor of the Sagittarius Stream a Disc Galaxy? Recent Results & Observations'
- Lianou, S., Grebel, E.K., & Koch, A. 2010, in `A Universe of dwarf galaxies -- Observations, theories, simulations', M. Koleva, Ph. Prugniel and I. Vauglin (eds),
EAS Publ. Ser., 48, 91:
`M81 group dSphs: metallicity distribution functions and gradients'
- Crnojevic, D., Grebel, E.K., Cole, A.A., Koch, A., Rejkuba, M., Da Costa, G., & Jerjen, H. 2010, in `A Universe of dwarf galaxies -- Observations, theories, simulations',
M. Koleva, Ph. Prugniel and I. Vauglin (eds), EAS Publ. Ser., 48, 51:
`Dwarf galaxies beyond our doorstep: the Centaurus A group'
- Lianou, S., Grebel, E.K., & Koch, A. 2010, in `Advances in Hellenic Astronomy during the IYA09', K. Tsingaros, D. Hatzidimitriou, and T. Matsakos (eds.),
ASP Conf. Ser., 424, 242:
`Dwarf spheroidals in the M81 galaxy group'
- Rich, R.M., Shen, J., Howard, C.d., de Propris, R., Koch, A., & Reitzel, D.B. 2010, BAAS, 215, 321.06:
`Striking Agreement Between Galactic Bulge Kinematics from the BRAVA Survey, and an N-body Bar'
- Koch, A., Adén, D., Grebel, E.K., & Feltzing, S. 2010, in `Chemical abundances in the Universe: Connecting first stars
to planets', K. Cunha, M. Spite, B. Barbuy (eds.), IAUS 265:
`Complexity in small-scale dwarf spheroidal galaxies'
- Quinn, D.P., Wilkinson, M.I., Irwin, M.J., Marshall, J., Koch, A., & Belokurov, V. 2010,
in `Binaries -- keys to comprehension of the Universe', A. Prsa, M. Zejda
(eds.), ASP Conf. Ser., 435, 453:
`Dark Matter Constraints from Wide Halo Binary Stars'
- Lianou, S., Grebel, E.K., & Koch, A. 2010, in `Stellar populations: Planning for the next decade',
G.R. Bruzual, S. Charlot (eds.), IAUS 262, 115:
`Early-type dwarf galaxies in the M81 group'
- Crnojevic, D., Grebel, E.K., & Koch, A. 2009, AN, 330, 1001:
`Evolution of dwarf galaxies in the Centaurus A group'
- Lianou, S., Grebel, E.K., & Koch, A. 2009, AN, 330, 995:
`Dwarf spheroidal galaxies in the M81 group of galaxies'
- Koch, A. 2009,
Rev. Mod. Ast., 21, 9
`Complexity in small-scale dwarf spheroidals'
(Ludwig Biermann award lecture)
- Glatt, K., Grebel, E.K., & Koch, A. 2009,
in FONDAP-ESO conference, `Globular Clusters -- Guides to Galaxies', T. Richtler, S. Larsen
(eds.), ESO/Springer Verlag, 157:
`Star clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud',
- Kayser, A., Grebel, E.K., Koch, A., Cole, A., Harbeck, D.R., Gallagher, J.S., &
Da Costa, G.S. 2009, in FONDAP-ESO conference, `Globular Clusters --
Guides to Galaxies', T. Richtler, S. Larsen (eds.), ESO/Springer Verlag, 119
`The Age-Metallicity relation of the Small Magellanic Cloud'
- Gilmore, G., Zucker, D., Wilkinson, M., Wyse, R.F.G., Belokurov, V., Kleyna, J., Koch, A.,
Evans, N.W., & Grebel, E.K. 2008, in `Panoramic views of galaxy formation and evolution',
T. Kodama, T. Yamada, and K. Aoki (eds.), ASP Conf. Ser., 399, 453
`What is a galaxy? How cold is Cold Dark Matter? Recent progress in near field cosmology'
- Reitzel, D.B., Koch, A., Rich, R.M., et 8 alii, 2007, BAAS, 39, 897:
Kinematic and chemical constraints on the formation of M31's inner halo structures
- Koch, A., McWilliam, A., & Wilkinson, M.I. 2007, BAAS, 39, 896:
`The first chemical abundance study of the Hercules dwarf spheroidal galaxy'
- Glatt, K., Glatt, K., Gallagher, J.S., Grebel, E.K., Nota, A., Sabbi, E., Sirianni, M., Clementini, G., Tosi, M.,
Harbeck, D.R., & Koch, A. 2007, BAAS, 39, 836:
`An accurate age determination for the SMC star cluster NGC121 with HST/ACS'
- Koch, A., Rich, R.M., Reitzel, D.B., et 8 alii, 2007, AN, 328, 653 :
`Kinematic and chemical constraints on the formation of M31's inner halo structures'
- Koch, A., McWilliam, A., Grebel, E.K., Wyse, R.F.G., Gilmore, G.F.
et 7 alii 2007, AN, 328, 652:
`Chemical abundances in the Carina dwarf spheroidal galaxy'
- Koch, A., Rich, R.M., Reitzel, D.B., et 7 alii 2007, in
`The Milky Way halo -- Stars and gas',
K.S. de Boer, P.Kroupa (eds.):
`Kinematic and chemical constraints on the formation of M31's inner halo structures'
- Howard, C.D., Reitzel, D.B., Rich, R.M., Koch, A., & Zhao, H.S. 2007, in
`The Milky Way halo -- Stars and gas',
K.S. de Boer, P.Kroupa (eds.):
`The Bulge Radial Velocity Assay [BRAVA]: Techniques and Results'
- Koch, A., McWilliam, A., Grebel, E.K., Wyse, R.F.G., Gilmore, G.F. et 7 alii 2007, in
`The Milky Way halo -- Stars and gas',
K.S. de Boer, P.Kroupa (eds.):
`Chemical abundances in the Carina dwarf spheroidal galaxy'
- Koch, A., Wilkinson, M.I., Kleyna, J.T., Gilmore, G.F., Grebel, E.K., Evans, N.W., & Wyse, R.F.G.
2007, in
`The Milky Way halo -- Stars and gas',
K.S. de Boer, P.Kroupa (eds.):
`Stellar kinematics in the remote Leo I and II dwarf spheroidals'
- Kayser, A. Grebel, E.K., Harbeck, D.R., Cole, A.A., Koch, A., Glatt, K., Gallagher, J.S.,
& Da Costa, G.S 2007, in `Stellar Populations as building blocks of galaxies', R.F.Peletier, A.Vazdekis
(eds.), IAUS 241, 351:
`A spectroscopy-based Age-Metallicity Relation of the SMC'
- Reitzel, D.B., Howard, C.D., Rich, R.M., Koch, A., & Zhao, H.S. 2007, BAAS, 38, 1149
`The line of sight velocity distribution of the Galactic bulge'
- Rich, R.M., Brown, T.M., Reitzel, D.B., Ferguson, H., Koch, A., et 11 alii 2007, BAAS, 38, 1155
`Keck/Deimos Spectroscopy of Distant M31 fields with Deep HST Imaging'
- Gilmore, G., Wilkinson, M., Kleyna, J., Koch, A., Evans, W., Wyse, R.F.G., & Grebel, E.K. 2006,
7th UCLA Symposium, Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe, eds. NN,
in press (astro-ph/0608528)
`Observed Properties of Dark Matter: dynamical studies of dSph galaxies',
- Wilkinson, M.I, Kleyna, J.T, Gilmore, G.F., Evans, N.W., Koch, A., Grebel, E.K., Wyse, R.F.G.,
& Harbeck, D.R. 2006, The Messenger, 124, 25
`Probing the dark matter content of
Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies with FLAMES'
- Koch, A., Grebel, E.K., Wyse., R.F.G., Kleyna, J.T., Wilkinson, M.I., Harbeck, D., Gilmore, G.F.,
& Evans, N.W. 2006,
The Messenger, 123, 38
`The age-metallicity
degeneracy in the dwarf spheroidal Carina as seen by FLAMES'
- Koch, A., Wilkinson, M.I., Kleyna, J.T., Gilmore, G.F., Evans, N.W., & Grebel, E.K. 2005,
BAAS, 37, 1345
`Stellar kinematics in the Leo I dwarf spheroidal galaxy -- wide field implications for galactic mass profiles'
- Grebel, E.K., Koch, A., & Sambhus, N. 2005,
BAAS, 37, 1346
`Satellite Anisotropies: A Polar Great Plane of M 31 Early-Type Companions'
- Wyse, R.F.G., Gilmore, G.F., Norris, J.E., Wilkinson, M.I., Kleyna, J.T., Koch, A., Evans,
N.W., & Grebel, E.K. 2005, BAAS, 37, 1368
`Further evidence for a merger origin for the Thick disk: Galactic stars along line-of-sight to dwarf spheroidal galaxies'
- Wilkinson, M.I., Kleyna, J.T., Evans, N.W., Gilmore, G.F., Read, J.I., Koch, A., Grebel, E.K., &
Irwin, M. 2005,
in `Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological Structures', G. Mamon, F. Combes,
C. Deffayet, B. Fort (eds.), EAS Publication Series, 20, 105
`The internal kinematics of dwarf spheroidal galaxies'
- Glatt, K., Grebel, E.K., & Koch, A. 2005,
AN, 326, 651
`Star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud'
- Koch, A., Wilkinson, M.I., Grebel, E.K., Harbeck, D., Kleyna, J.T., Wyse, R., Gilmore, G.F., & Evans, N.W. 2005,
IAUC, 198, 134
`The chemical evolution of subpopulations in the Carina dwarf spheroidal'
- Wilkinson, M.I., Kleyna, J.T., Evans, N.W., Gilmore, G.F., Grebel, E.K., Koch, A., Read, J., Wyse, R., & Young, R. 2005,
IAUC, 198, 240
Substructure in Dwarf Spheroidals - a Star Cluster Connection?'
- Harbeck, D., Gallagher, J.S., Grebel, E.K., Koch, A., & Zucker, D.B. 2004,
AAS, 205, 9301
`WIYN observations of And IX: A metal poor, low-mass dSph Galaxy'
- Koch, A., Grebel, E.K., Harbeck, D., Wilkinson, M.I., Kleyna, J.T., Gilmore, G.F., Wyse, R.F.G., &, Evans, N.W. 2004,
ESO-Arcetri-workshop on "Chemical Abundances and Mixing in Stars", eds.
L. Pasquini & S. Randich (Springer Verlag), 249
`Chemical Evolution in the Carina dSph'
- Koch, A., Grebel, E.K., Harbeck, D., Wilkinson, M.I., Kleyna, J.T., Gilmore, G.F., Wyse, R.F.G., &, Evans, N.W. 2004,
ANS, 325, 44
`The Metallicity and Age Distribution of the Carina Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy'
- Koch, A., & Grebel, E.K. 2004,
STScI May 2004 Symposium, M. Livio (ed.), Cambridge University Press (astro-ph/0407212)
`R-process and α-elements in the Galactic disk: Kinematic correlations'
- Koch, A., Odenkirchen, M., Grebel, E.K., & Caldwell, J.A.R. 2004,
The Eso Messenger, 115, 37
`Calibrating spatial gradients: The case of Wide Field Imager Photometry'
- Koch, A., Odenkirchen, M., Grebel, E.K., Martínez-Delgado, D., & Caldwell, J.A.R. 2004,
A.S.P. Conf Ser., 327, 333 ,
F.Prada, D.Martínez-Delgado & T.J. Mahoney eds.,
`The luminosity function of Palomar 5 and its tidal tails'
- Koch, A., Odenkirchen, M., Caldwell, J.A.R., & Grebel, E.K. 2003,
ANS, 324, 144
`A retrospective of r-process and α-element abundances in the Galactic disk -
correlations with rotational velocity'
- Koch, A., Odenkirchen, M., Caldwell, J.A.R., & Grebel, E.K. 2003,
ANS, 324, 144
`Mass segregation in the low-concentration globular cluster Palomar 5'
- Koch, A., Odenkirchen, M., Caldwell, J.A.R., & Grebel, E.K. 2002,
ANS, 324, 95
`A calibration map for the Wide Field Imager'
- Koch, A., Odenkirchen, M., Caldwell, J.A.R., & Grebel, E.K. 2002,
ANS, 324, 79
`The mass function of the globular cluster Palomar 5 and its tidal tails'
- Koch, A. 2014, Habilitation thesis, University of Heidelberg:
`Formation histories of galactic halos via chemical and dynamical analyses of near-by stellar systems'
- Koch, A. 2007,
Dissertation Summary,
PASP, 119, 37
'Chemical and Kinematical Evolution in nearby Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies'
- Koch, A. 2006, Ph.D. thesis,
University of Basel,
'Chemical and Kinematical Evolution in nearby Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies'
- Koch, A. 2003, Diploma thesis, University of Heidelberg
'The luminosity function of the globular cluster Palomar 5 and its tidal tails'
Press releases
Popular (mostly in German)
- 'In Sternen geboren', Physik Journal, Feb. 2011, S.27
- 'Eine dünne Scheibe aus Satellitengalaxien um M 31', Sterne und Weltraum, Apr. 2006, S.20
- 'In Schnee und Wüste', UNI NOVA, Wissenschaftsmagazin der Universität Basel, Jul. 2005, 100, S. 13
- 'Die Massenverteilung in einem zerrissenen Kugelsternhaufen', Sterne und Weltraum , Mar. 2005, S.19
- 'F. Melia: The black hole at the center of our galaxy', (Book review), Sterne und Weltraum, Aug. 2004, S.89
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