Heidelberg University

Curriculum Vitae

 Prof. Dr. Eva K. Grebel

 Astronomisches Rechen-Institut
 Zentrum für Astronomie
    der Universität  Heidelberg
 Mönchhofstraße 12-14
 D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany

 Phone:  +49 6221 54 1810
 Fax:      +49 6221 54 1802
 Secr.:    +49 6221 54 1801

My Research in Brief

My work focuses on understanding how galaxies form and evolve. I use resolved stellar populations as fossils of the past evolution, conducting galactic archaeology with these witnesses of former epochs. Together with my students and postdocs, I seek to uncover the assembly history of galaxies like our own Milky Way, to understand how chemical enrichment and star formation proceeded as a function of time, and what triggered and governed these processes. Large sky surveys such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey or the Radial Velocity Experiment play an important role in this research, as do observations with the Hubble Space Telescope, Gaia, and large ground-based telescopes. Apart from permitting us to explore galaxy evolution over cosmological time scales, these studies also provide clues about the role and nature of the enigmatic dark matter. For my research I have received the Ludwig Biermann Prize, a Hubble Fellowship, the Johann Wempe Award, the Lautenschläger Research Prize, the Hector Science Award, the Caroline Herschel Medal, and other prizes. I am a member of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, of the Hector Fellow Academy, and of the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina). My work has resulted in more than 400 papers in peer-reviewed astronomical journals and has been cited more than 63,000 times. My Hirsch index is 102.

My Vita in Brief

After my diploma in physics (M.Sc.) at the University of Bonn, I spent half a year as a summer student at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore. I then began my PhD in astronomy at the University of Bonn, spending two years in Chile at the European Southern Observatory as an ESO student fellow. After graduating I was a postdoc at the Universities of Illinois, Würzburg, and Santa Cruz. Then I went to the University of Washington on a Hubble Fellowship. In 1999 I was offered a faculty position as a research group leader (C3) at MPIA, Heidelberg, which I assumed in 2000. In 2002, I was granted tenure at MPIA. In 2003, I succeeded Prof. Tammann as a professor for observational astronomy at the Astronomical Institute of the University of Basel and took over as director in 2004. In 2006, I received offers for chairs in astronomy at the Universities of Bonn, Göttingen, and Heidelberg. I accepted the Heidelberg offer. In 2007, I became the only female full professor for astronomy in Germany at that time, as well as director at the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (ARI). The ARI is one of the three institutes of the Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg (ZAH). With ten full professors for astronomy, the ZAH is the largest center for astronomy at a German university.

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Positions Held
Honors and Awards
Research Interests
Students Advised
Current/Former Postdocs
Invited Talks and Reviews
Seminars and Colloquia
Scientific Organizing Committees
Other Committees and Professional Service
Professional Societies


  PhD in astronomy, Bonn University (summa cum laude)
  M.Sc. in physics, Bonn University
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Positions held

Since 2007:

2004 - 2007:
2003 - 2007:
2000 - 2003:
1998 - 2000:
1997 - 1998:
1996 - 1997:
1995 - 1996:
1994 - 1995:
1992 - 1994:
  Professor for Astronomy, ZAH, Heidelberg University
  Director of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, ZAH
  Director, Astronomical Institute, University of Basel
  Professor for Astronomy, University of Basel
  Head of research group (C3), MPIA, Heidelberg
  Hubble Fellow, University of Washington, Seattle
  Postdoc, University of California, Santa Cruz
  Postdoc, University of Würzburg
  Postdoc, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  Research Assistant, University of Bonn
  ESO Student Fellow, La Silla
  STScI Summer Student, Baltimore
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Honors & Awards


Since 2021:
2019 - 2020:

2016 - 2019:
Since 2015:

2013 - 2016:
2011 - 2018:

Since 2011:

2008 - 2013:


Since 2007:


2004 - 2007:
2003 - 2007:
1998 - 2000:

1992 - 1994:
1986 - 1989:

  Best Female Scientist Award (Research.com)
  Physics Leader Award (Research.com)
  Caroline Herschel Medal (Royal Astronomical Society and German
  Astronomical Society)
  Best Female Scientist Award (Research.com)
  Member, Leopoldina (German National Academy of Sciences)
  Marsilius Fellow, Marsilius Kolleg (interdisciplinary Center for Advanced
  Study), Heidelberg University
  Paco Ynduráin Lecture, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
  Member, Senate of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
  Bautz Lectureship, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
  Helmholtz Lectureship, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
  Källén Lectureship for Breakthrough Discoveries, Lund University, Sweden
  Hector Science Award 2015
  Member of of the Hector Fellow Academy
  Jahrespreis der Universität Heidelberg
  Highly Cited Researcher (Thomson Reuters, Web of Science)
  Sackler Lectureship, CfA, Harvard University, USA
  NCU-Delta Lectureship Award, National Central University
  and Delta Electronics Foundation, Taiwan
  Member, Senate of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
  Principal investigator and spokesperson, DFG Collaborative Research
  Center SFB 881 on "The Milky Way System" at Heidelberg University
  Member, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
  Jahrespreis der Universität Heidelberg
  Inclusion in "Academia Net" (profiles of leading women scientists),
  Robert Bosch Stiftung, Spektrum, Nature
  Lautenschläger Research Prize
  Member and spokesperson, Fachkollegium 311 "Astronomie
  & Astrophysik", DFG
  One of 25 leading female researchers portrayed in the book and
  exhibition "Frauen, die forschen" (FrauenMediaTurm and BMBF)
  Professor for astronomy (W3), Heidelberg University;
  Director of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut
  Caroline Herschel Distinguished Visitorship, STScI, USA
  Johann Wempe Award, AIP, Germany
  Offers of W3 professorships at the Universities of Bonn, Göttingen,
  and Heidelberg, Germany
  Director, Astronomical Institute, University of Basel, Switzerland
  Professor for observational astronomy, University of Basel, Switzerland
  Henri Chrétien International Research Grant Award, AAS, USA
  Hubble Fellowship, University of Washington, USA
  Ludwig Biermann Award, Astronomische Gesellschaft, Germany
  Heinrich Hörlein Award, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences,
  Bonn University, Germany
  Student Fellowship, European Southern Observatory, Chile
  German National Academic Foundation Scholarship
  (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)
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Research Interests

Galaxy Evolution and Near-field Cosmology:

Participation in large international survey projects

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Students Advised

Master or Diploma Theses:

  1. Marc Zimer, Heidelberg University (2002)
  2. Andreas Koch, Heidelberg University (2003)
  3. Katrin Jordi, Basel University (2005)
  4. Katharina Glatt, Basel University (2005)
  5. Mischa Vodicka, Basel University (2006)
  6. Matthias Frank, Heidelberg University (2008)
  7. Raoul Haschke, Heidelberg University (2009)
  8. Johannes Ludwig, Heidelberg University (2009)
  9. Benjamin Röck, Heidelberg University (2012)
  10. André Herling, Heidelberg University (2012)
  11. Christina Hennig, Heidelberg University (2012)
  12. Johannes Esser, Heidelberg University (2014)
  13. María Claudia Ramírez, Heidelberg University (2014)
  14. Giulio Rosani, Heidelberg University (2017)
  15. Faranak Ghahari Kermani, Heidelberg University (2019)
  16. Nico Winkel, Heidelberg University (2020)
  17. David Neb, Heidelberg University (2022)
  18. Vasu Pipwala, Heidelberg University (2003)
  19. Sara Kutschbach, Heidelberg University (ongoing)

Ph.D. Theses:

  1. Daniel Harbeck, Heidelberg University (2003)
    (subsequently received the Otto Hahn medal of the Max Planck Society,
    became a McKinney Fellow at the University of Wisconsin,
    and a Charles Townes Fellow at the University of California in Berkeley.
    Now Head of Instrumentation of Las Cumbres Observatory)
  2. Andrea Stolte, Heidelberg University (2003)
    (subsequently received an Emmy Noether Fellowship at the Universities
    of Cologne and Bonn (2008 - 2014))
  3. Andreas Koch, University of Basel (2006)
    (Marie Curie Visiting Fellowship at the IoA, Cambridge (2005).
    Camille and Henry Dreyfus Award of the University of Basel (2006).
    Ludwig Biermann Award of the Astronomische Gesellschaft (2008),
    Emmy Noether Fellowship at the Heidelberg University (2011).
    Senior Lecturer (2016) and Reader (2017) at Lancaster University.
    Now staff member at ARI, U Heidelberg)
  4. Stefan Kautsch, University of Basel (2006)
    (Subsequently was appointed assistant professor at Christopher Newport
    University, Newport News), then associate professor at
    Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, and now
    teaching professor for physics at Northeastern University, Boston)
  5. Thorsten Lisker, University of Basel (2007)
    (Camille and Henry Dreyfus Award of the University of Basel (2007),
    obtained a position as Junior Research Group Leader in the framework
    of the German "Excellence Initiative" (2007),
    the General Physics Award of the Swiss Physical Society (2008),
    the Karl-Freudenberg Award of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (2009),
    the Klaus-Georg und Sigrid Hengstberger Award (2009),
    and the Ludwig-Biermann Award of the Astronomische Gesellschaft (2011).)
  6. Andrea Kayser, University of Basel (2008)
  7. Katharina Glatt, University of Basel (2009)
  8. Katrin Jordi, University of Basel (2009)
  9. Denija Crnojević, Heidelberg University (2010)
    (IMPRS/HGSFP Student Fellow).
    (Subsequently received a "postdoctoral fellowship in extragalactic astronomy
    and cosmology" at the Institute of Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, UK,
    a research assistant professorship at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, USA,
    and an assistant professorship at the University of Tampa, USA.)
  10. Sophia Lianou, Heidelberg University (2011)
    (HGSFP/IMPRS Student Fellow)
  11. Shuang Gao, Heidelberg University (2011)
    (Fellow of the China Scholarship Council.
    Subsequently became a lecturer at Beijing Normal University, China.)
  12. Raoul Haschke, Heidelberg University (2012)
    (IMPRS/HGSFP Student Fellow)
  13. Xiaoying Pang, Heidelberg University (2012)
    (LGFG/IMPRS/HGSFP Graduate Student Fellow.
    (Subsequently became a lecturer at Shanghai Institute of Technology, China,
    and is now a lecturer at Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University (XJTLU), Suzhou, China.)
  14. Matthias Frank, Heidelberg University (2012)
    (Student Fellow at the European Southern Observatory, Garching)
    (Best PhD Award (Promotionspreis) of the Astronomische Gesellschaft (2013))
  15. Johannes Ludwig, Heidelberg University (2014)
    (IMPRS/HGSFP Student Fellow)
  16. John Vickers, Heidelberg University (2014)
    (GREAT/IMPRS/HGSFP Student Fellow)
    (Subsequently got a LAMOST Fellowship and a fellowship in the "President's
    International Fellowship Initiative" at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, China)
  17. Mohamad Abbas, Heidelberg University (2014)
    (IMPRS/HGSFP Student Fellow)
    (Subsequently became an assistant professor at the Lebanese American University
    as well as at the joint program of Saint Joseph University and Notre Dame University, Lebanon)
  18. Frederik Schönebeck, Heidelberg University (2015)
    (IMPRS/HGSFP Student Fellow)
  19. Mirko Simunovic, Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile and Heidelberg University (2016)
    (DAAD Excellence Center Fellow)
    (Subsequently became Gemini Science Fellow at Gemini Observatory, Hilo
    and later support astronomer for the Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
  20. Peter Zeidler, Heidelberg University (2017)
    (IMPRS/HGSFP Student Fellow)
    (Subsequently won a Research Fellowship of the German Research Foundation (DFG) at STScI, Baltimore.
    Now European Space Agency (ESA) astronomer for the James Webb Telescope (JWST/NIRSpec) at STScI, Baltimore)
  21. Clio Bertelli Motta, Heidelberg University (2018)
    (IMPRS/HGSFP Student Fellow)
  22. Gustavo Morales, Heidelberg University (2018)
    (IMPRS/HGSFP Student Fellow)
  23. Yasna Órdenes Briceño, Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile and Heidelberg University (2018)
    (DAAD Excellence Center Fellow)
    (Received the L'Oréal Chile - UNESCO "For Women in Science" Award 2018)
  24. Gergely Hajdu, Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile and Heidelberg University (2019)
    (DAAD Excellence Center Fellow)
  25. Fayezeh Shabani, Heidelberg University (2019)
    (IMPRS/HGSFP Student Fellow)
  26. Zdeněk Prudil, Heidelberg University (2020)
    (Hector Fellow Academy Student Fellow)
    Subsequently won an ESO Fellowship in Garching
  27. Michael Hanke, Heidelberg University (2020)
    (IMPRS/HGSFP Student Fellow)
    (Received one of the Ernst Patzer Awards for the best refereed publication in 2018)
  28. Josefina Michea Karmelic, Heidelberg University (2021)
    (DAAD/IMPRS/HGSFP Student Fellow)
  29. Bahar Bidaran, Heidelberg University (2021)
    (SUNDIAL/IMPRS/HGSFP Student Fellow)
  30. Christoph Engler, Heidelberg University (2021)
    (IMPRS/HGSFP Student Fellow)
  31. Gustavo Medina Toledo, Heidelberg University (2022)
    (Hector Fellow Academy Student Fellow)
    (Subsequently was awarded an Arts & Science Fellowship at the University of Toronto)
  32. Hitesh Lala, Heidelberg University (2023)
    (IMPRS/HGSFP Student Fellow)
  33. Pietro Facchini, Heidelberg University (ongoing)
    (IMPRS/HGSFP Student Fellow)
  34. Abhinna Sundar Samantaray, Heidelberg University (ongoing)
    (Hector Fellow Academy Student Fellow)
  35. Damir Gasymov, Heidelberg University (starting)
    (IMPRS/HGSFP Student Fellow)

External Advisor, Thesis Committee Member, or External Referee:

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Current / Former Postdocs

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Invited Talks and Reviews

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Seminars and Colloquia

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Scientific Organizing Committees

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Other Committees and Professional Service

External Advisory Committees

Peer Review Panels

Editorial Boards

External Search Committees and Promotion Committees

Local Committees

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Professional Societies and Academies

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