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A numerical anisotropic model

In this section we introduce the fundamentals of the numerical method we use to model our system. We give a brief description of the mathematical basis of it and the physical idea behind it. The system is treated as a continuum, which is only adequate for a large number of stars and in well populated regions of the phase space. We consider here spherical symmetry and single-mass stars. We handle relaxation in the Fokker-Planck approximation, i.e. like a diffusive process determined by local conditions. We make also use of the hydrodynamical approximation; that is to say, only local moments of the velocity dispersion are considered, not the full orbital structure. In particular, the effect of the two-body relaxation can be modelled by a local heat flux equation with an appropriately tailored conductivity. Neither binaries nor stellar evolution are included at the presented work. As for the hypothesis concerning the BH, see section ([*]).

For our description we use polar coordinates, $r$ $\theta $, $\phi$. The vector ${\bf v} = (v_i), i=r,\theta,\phi $ denotes the velocity in a local Cartesian coordinate system at the spatial point $r,\theta,\phi$. For succinctness, we shall employ the notation $u=v_{\rm r}$, $v=v_\theta$, $w=v_\phi$. The distribution function $f$, is a function of $r$, $t$, $u$, $v^2+w^2$ only due to spherical symmetry, and is normalised according to

(r,t) = f(r,u,v^2+w^2,t) dudvdw.

Here $\rho(r,t)$ is the mass density; if $m_{\star}$ denotes the stellar mass, we get the particle density $n=\rho/m_{\star}$. The Euler-Lagrange equations of motion corresponding to the Lagrange function

L = 12(r^2 + r^2.^2 + r^2 ^2 .^2) - (r,t)

are the following

  $\textstyle {\dot u} =$ $\displaystyle - \frac{\partial \Phi}{\partial r}
+ {v^2\!+\!w^2\over r}$  
  $\textstyle {\dot v} =$ $\displaystyle - {uv\over r} + {w^2\over r\tan\theta}$ (15)
  $\textstyle {\dot w} =$ $\displaystyle - {uw\over r} - {vw\over r\tan\theta}$  

And so we get a complete local Fokker-Planck equation,

ft+v_rfr+v_r fv_r+v_f v_+v_fv_= ( ft )_FP

In our model we do not solve the equation directly; we use a so-called momenta process. The momenta of the velocity distribution function $f$ are defined as follows

<i,j,k>:=^+_- v^i_r v^j_ v^k_ f(r, v_r, v_,v_,t)dv_rdv_dv_;

We define now the following moments of the velocity distribution function,

  $\textstyle <0,0,0> :=$ $\displaystyle \rho = \int f dudvdw$  
  $\textstyle <1,0,0> :=$ $\displaystyle {u} = \int uf dudvdw$  
  $\textstyle <2,0,0> :=$ $\displaystyle p_{\rm r} + \rho {u}^2 = \int u^2 f dudvdw$  
  $\textstyle <0,2,0> :=$ $\displaystyle p_\theta = \int v^2 f dudvdw$ (16)
  $\textstyle <0,0,2> :=$ $\displaystyle p_\phi = \int w^2 f dudvdw$  
  $\textstyle <3,0,0> :=$ $\displaystyle F_{\rm r} + 3{u}p_{\rm r} + {u}^3 = \int u^3 f dudvdw$  
  $\textstyle <1,2,0> :=$ $\displaystyle F_\theta + {u}p_\theta = \int uv^2 f dudvdw$  
  $\textstyle <1,0,2> :=$ $\displaystyle F_\phi + {u}p_\phi = \int uw^2 f dudvdw,$  

where $\rho$ is the density of stars, $u$ is the bulk velocity, $v_{\rm r}$ and $v_{\rm t}$ are the radial and tangential flux velocities, $p_{\rm r}$ and $p_{\rm t}$ are the radial and tangential pressures, $F_{\rm r}$ is the radial and $F_{\rm t}$ the tangential kinetic energy flux LS91. Note that the definitions of $p_i$ and $F_i$ are such that they are proportional to the random motion of the stars. Due to spherical symmetry, we have $p_{\theta} = p_{\phi }=: p_{\rm t}$ and $F_{\theta} = F_{\phi} =: F_{\rm t}/2$. By $p_{\rm r} = \rho\sigma_{\rm r}^2$ and $p{_{\rm t}} = \rho\sigma_{\rm t}^2$ the random velocity dispersions are given, which are closely related to observable properties in stellar clusters.

$F = (F_{\rm r} + F_{\rm t})/2$ is a radial flux of random kinetic energy. In the notion of gas dynamics it is just an energy flux. Whereas for the $\theta-$ and $\phi-$ components in the set of Eqs. (2.20) are equal in spherical symmetry, for the $r$ and $t$- quantities this is not true. In stellar clusters the relaxation time is larger than the dynamical time and so any possible difference between $p_{\rm r}$ and $p_{\rm t}$ may survive many dynamical times. We shall denote such differences anisotropy. Let us define the following velocities of energy transport:

  $\textstyle v_{\rm r}$ $\displaystyle = {F_{\rm r} \over 3 p_{\rm r}} + u,$ (17)
  $\textstyle v_{\rm t}$ $\displaystyle = {F_{\rm t} \over 2 p_{\rm t}} + u.$  

In case of weak isotropy ($p_{\rm r}$=$p_{\rm t}$) $2F_{\rm r}$ = $3F_{\rm t}$, and thus $v_{\rm r}$ = $v_{\rm t}$, i.e. the (radial) transport velocities of radial and tangential random kinetic energy are equal.

The Fokker-Planck equation (2.18) is multiplicated with various powers of the velocity components $u$, $v$, $w$. We get so up to second order a set of moment equations: A mass equation, a continuity equation, an Euler equation (force) and radial and tangential energy equations. The system of equations is closed by a phenomenological heat flux equation for the flux of radial and tangential RMS ( root mean square) kinetic energy, both in radial direction. The concept is physically similar to that of LBE80. The set of equations is

\frac{\partial{\rho}}{\partial t} + \frac{1}{r^2}\frac{\partial}
{\partial r} (r^2u\,\rho)= 0

\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}+u\,\frac{\partial u}{\partial r}...
...r}}{\partial r} + 2\,\frac{p_{\rm r} - p_{\rm t}}{\rho\, r}
= 0

$\displaystyle {
\frac{\partial{p_{\rm r}}}{\partial {t}} + \frac{1}{r^2} \frac{...
...l u}{\partial r} + \frac{1}{r^2} \frac{\partial}{\partial r} (r^2 F_{\rm r}){}}$
    $\displaystyle {} -
\frac{2F_{\rm t}}{r} = -\frac{4}{5}
\frac{(2p_{\rm r}-p_{\rm t})}
{\lambda_A t_{\rm relax}}$  

\frac{\partial{p_{\rm t}}}{\partial {t}} + \frac{1}{...
\frac{(2p_{\rm r}-p_{\rm t})}{\lambda_A
t_{\rm relax}},

where $\lambda_A$ is a numerical constant related to the time-scale of collisional anisotropy decay. The value chosen for it has been discussed in comparison with direct simulations performed with the $N$-body code GS94. The authors find that $\lambda_A=0.1$ is the physically realistic value inside the half-mass radius for all cases of $N$, provided that close encounters and binary activity do not carry out an important role in the system, what is, on the other hand, inherent to systems with a big number of particles, as this is.

With the definition of the mass $M_{\rm r}$ contained in a sphere of radius $r$

M_rr = 4 r^2 ,

the set of Eqs.(2.22) is equivalent to gas-dynamical equations coupled with the equation of Poisson. To close it we need an independent relation, for moment equations of order $n$ contain moments of order $n\,+\,1$. For this intent we use the heat conduction closure, a phenomenological approach obtained in an analogous way to gas dynamics. It was used for the first time by [Lynden-Bell and Eggleton, 1980] but restricted to isotropy. In this approximation one assumes that heat transport is proportional to the temperature gradient,

F = -Tr = - ^2r

That is the reason why such models are usually also called conducting gas sphere models.

It has been argued that for the classical approach $\Lambda\propto\bar{\lambda}^2/\tau$, one has to choose the Jeans' length $\lambda_J^2 = \sigma ^2/(4\pi G\rho)$ and the standard Chandrasekhar local relaxation time $t_{\rm relax}\propto \sigma
^3/\rho$ LBE80, where $\bar{\lambda}$ is the mean free path and $\tau$ the collisional time. In this context we obtain a conductivity $\Lambda\propto \rho/ \sigma$. We shall consider this as a working hypothesis. For the anisotropic model we use a mean velocity dispersion $\sigma^2 = (\sr^2 + 2\st^2)/3$ for the temperature gradient and assume $v_{\rm r} = v_{\rm t}$ BS86. Forasmuch as, the equations we need to close our model are

$\displaystyle {v_{\rm r} - u + \frac{\lambda}{4\pi \,G\rho\,t_{\rm relax}}
\frac{\partial \sigma^2}{\partial r} = 0}$     (19)
$\displaystyle v_{\rm r} = v_{\rm t}.$      

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Pau Amaro-Seoane 2005-02-25