NBODY2021 simulation lecture
Online Hands-On Training workshop
Gravitational N-body simulations (gravothermal, dense clusters) at Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany (ARI/ZAH)
September 27-29, 2021; zoom online, access data sent by email, ask
NEWS of Oct. 9, 2021:
Zoom Recordings of Oct. 05 on home work now available for download, see here;
Literature List updated; Lecture 4 pdf file updated (References to PeTaR and other new codes added)
Certificates for home work will be issued after Oct. 17; if you need longer let me know please.
Some new, hopefully helpful advice, for the ssh key generation at the end of this webpage, here (end of page).
This lecture in general benefits very much from, and the afternoon hands-on sessions use material obtained from Sverre Aarseth.
Sep. 29, 2021: The lecture has come to an end. Small file updates may happen during the next days. When everything is finished, a notice will appear here. Thanks for all listening and taking part.
Begin: Monday, Sep. 27, 10:00 a.m.
Lecture Time: 10:00 - 13:00 (with short coffee break)
Lunch Break: 13:00 - 14:00
Tutorial Time: 14:00 - 17:00 (with short coffee break)
End: Wednesday, Sep. 29, 13:00
An optional Tutorial Session Wednesday afternoon is offered for the interested ones.
A homework task can be completed until Sunday, Oct. 1, 2021.
Lectures have been recorded - zoom links below:
- Lecture 1 -
General Physics of N-Body Systems
Zoom Recording Sep. 27 Morning1, ~77 MB - Lecture 2 - High Order Hermite Time Integration, Ahmad-Cohen Neighbour Scheme (included in pdf file for 1 or in NBODY6++ Manual, link below)
Zoom Recording Sep. 27 Morning2, ~146 MB
Zoom Recording Sep. 27 Afternoon, ~464 MB - Lecture 3 -
Regularization 1D, 2D and 4D ,
Basic Regularization (Sverre's View and Decision criteria)
Zoom Recording Sep. 28 Morning, ~238 MB
Zoom Recording Sep. 28 Afternoon, ~343 MB - Lecture 4 - Time Symmetry, Algorithmic Regularization, new codes very brief
- Lecture 5 -
NBODY6++GPU and Parallel computing
Zoom Recording Sep. 29 Morning, ~243 MB
Zoom Recording Sep. 29 Afternoon, ~173 MB
- Tutorial 0 = NBODY6++GPU Manual
- Tutorial 1 - Basic Code Structure (by Sverre Aarseth)
- Tutorial 2 - Initial Conditions (by Sverre Aarseth)
- Tutorial 3 - Configuring and Compiling, Running 100k particles nbody-kepler.pdf
- Tutorial 4 - Output Files; simple analysis of data nbody-kepler.pdf
NBODY2021 training workshop on gravitational N-body simulations
Organizers |
Rainer Spurzem (NAOC/KIAA/ARI) with Peter Berczik (MAO/NAOC/ARI), Manuel Arca Sedda (ARI), Albrecht Kamlah (ARI) Thijs Kouwenhoven (KIAA) |
Prerequisites | (1) The N-body simulation packages
are written in Fortran77 (still a lot),
C++, CUDA C (for GPU), and contains instructions for MPI and OpenMP parallelization.
You should have a basic experience with a higher level programming language (python, C, Fortran, ...).
All the extensions for GPU and parallelization will be briefly explained, but are not the main topic. (2) For the hands-on tutorials you should have an ssh software running on your computer, to make a safe connection to our kepler2 system in Heidelberg. (4) It is easiest to run ssh from the terminal in Linux or Mac. It may be possible with Windows as well, but this may be more difficult. (5) Those who already have a kepler2 account: please use it for the tutorials. ssh key generation: (6) Those who have not yet a kepler2 account: please send your public ssh key to me spurzem@ari.uni-heidelberg.de . An instruction is here: ssh-keygen -t rsa [passphrase should NOT be empty] You need to do this from the computer from which you want to log on to kepler2. It produces a private key file named id_rsa and a public key file id_rsa.pub
Send the public key file by email to me. DO NOT